Friday 24 April 2020

Whoops! (Again)

Launching the scheme at the start of the month, the Ministry of Justice said the selected low-risk offenders would be electronically tagged and temporarily released on licence in stages, although they could be recalled at the first sign of concern.
It was seen as a way to avoid thousands of prisoners, many of whom share cells, from becoming infected.
What could go wro...

Oh. Right.
But the BBC said the scheme would be temporarily halted after the accidental early release of inmates from two open prisons in Gloucestershire and Derbyshire.
The Prison Service attributed blame to human error and said processes would be changed.


  1. No surprises there, then. I have a source in a prison and the daily tales of fundamental mismanagement at all levels would make your hair curl. Pissups and breweries haven't got a look in.

  2. I'm not following the logic here, surely prison is an ideal place for keeping people isolated.

  3. We used to have a proper Prison Service run by professional staff, many of whom had been in the service for years. I was said that was too expensive and anyway the professional type staff were obstructive and always wanted things done properly. So in came the new streamlined cheap service, out went the professional dinosaurs and the rest as they say is history. They did keep a few dinosaurs, however, as they need them to restore order when they have the regular riots and it's too dangerous for the private companies to deal with things.

  4. Anonymous makes a good point here. But that point can be expanded to the whole public "service". The extensive cock-ups in the NHS, PHE and everywhere else in the administration of the public sector are not an accident.

    When common sense and ability to do the job (and paying the penalty of job loss/demotion for incompetence) are abandoned you get the rubbish which constitute the Prison Service, the police, the NHS etc etc. Applauding on Thursday evenings is ridiculous since the only people who'll receive the real benefit from a grateful nation will be the scum who run the service, not those who deal with those needing treatment.

    The only current bright light is that Boris was elected only 4 months ago. He's got almost 5 years to clean the Augean stables of public "service" in the UK. Will he take this opportunity? Who knows? If he doesn't we're all f**ked.

  5. Meanwhile in the US of A:

    New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio is just flabbergasted that criminals, upon being released on prison early to keep them from getting sick, might go on to – and hold your breath here – commit even more crimes.

    Following a New York Post report detailing how some criminals released from NYC prisons over COVID-19 concerns have since continued to break the law amid the city’s coronavirus shutdown, De Blasio said it was “unconscionable” that the former inmates would commit more crimes.

    They seem to have elected a naive child to run their city.

  6. @Stony: "They seem to have elected a naive child to run their city."

    They also elected Alexandria Occasional-Cortex aka Chiquita Kruschev.

    This does not bode well for their future.

  7. "I have a source in a prison and the daily tales of fundamental mismanagement at all levels would make your hair curl. "

    Since I'm not likely to get my perm appointment at the hairdresser fulfilled next weekend, that might come in handy!

    "...surely prison is an ideal place for keeping people isolated."

    You'd think, wouldn't you?

    "So in came the new streamlined cheap service, out went the professional dinosaurs and the rest as they say is history. "

    A familiar story, sadly...

    "The only current bright light is that Boris was elected only 4 months ago. He's got almost 5 years to clean the Augean stables of public "service" in the UK. "

    I'm not sure that's enough time. If he makes it to that five years.

    "They seem to have elected a naive child to run their city."

    Serves them right! As Ted says, look to the future. 'Escape From New York' may come to resemble a documentary.
