Monday 11 May 2020

Better Keep That 'Black Father Of The Year 2020' Award In The Cabinet...

...because Desmond Mombeyarara ain't winning it.

Who he? Why, the latest cause celebre amongst the usual suspects.
“I was saying to the officers: ‘Let us calm the situation for the little one because the little one doesn’t feel comfortable.
Such touching concern for the fruit of his loins! Say, how did he come to be on the wrong end of a Taser, anyway?
Mombeyarara appeared in court on Friday and pleaded not guilty to two charges of obstructing or resisting a constable in the execution of duty, but admitted a number of other driving charges...
No, we aren't talking about failing to signal, or having a broken rear light.

Despite the fact he had his child in the car with him, he was speeding, drunk, and lacking insurance. Probably why he failed to stop when signalled to do so.

It seems his 'concern for the little one' ends when he gets in his uninsured vehicle. Or when he gets out of it to resist arrest.

What does he do for a living?
He said he worked for the NHS but would not give further details...
Clearly not as a brain surgeon. 
Describing the incident, he added: “I lost consciousness, I was on the floor, I didn’t know where I was … I was disorientated, I didn’t have my glasses on and everything was blurred and my ears were echoing. I asked where my son was and they said he was in safe hands.
Safer than his father's, that's for sure.

But this has the usual suspects up on their hind legs bleating, and even on Twitter, some normally-sensible accounts seemed to think the cops were in the wrong, ranging from it being dashed unsportin', what? to zap a guy while his child watches, to believing they should have grappled him into submission instead. Perhaps so the kiddie thought it was like TV wrestling?

But no, I'm afraid I'm with the cops. The use of the taser was clearly proportionate. Not that that'll matter one jot or tittle, I suspect. The identity politics mob will demand scalps. I hope the usually-cowardly top brass don't give them any. 


  1. This man used his child as a human shield. I've had it happen a few times to me. They think if they carry a child or have a baby in a pram it makes them immune from arrest. Every one has been of a certain community.

  2. Come on JUuia, for heavens sake! The man was black - that means he should be allowed to get away with murder. And he works for the NHS - so he should be able to get away with a repeat offence. Blimey, I'll bet the Plod was a white honkey, so this is racially-aggravated tasering. Where's Doreen Lawrence on this one?

  3. Take heart folks, hundreds more coming across the channel in toy boats every day and our record of returning them is only 5%. And to further gladden you heart the courts have just made it even more difficult to remove them. Seems that if they can't get free drugs (as they do here from the NHS) it's a breach of their human rights and they can stay here and leech off you for the rest of their lives. Might as well give them a free license to rob and rape at will.

  4. Any plod...or blogger for that matter, who feels compelled to support the indiscriminate use of these abominable weapons, should be repeatedly shot by one of them.

    I will happily volunteer my services in the administration of some very effective aversion therapy, JuliaM.

  5. Indiscriminate Melvin? Lawnmower thieves excepted?

  6. Married Dorset plod, Timothy Brehmer, who stands accused of the pub car park murder of a secret lover, ignored social distancing rules to rely upon traditional strangulation.

  7. Snide comment as usual Melvin. What's that got to do with tazering?
    Remind me of your job so I can criticise every act of that ilk .

  8. 'Remind me of your job so I can criticise every act of that ilk .' Good morning, WC Jaded. And a bright, lovely start to my day with a light, patio breakfast and a chat of minor intellectual effort.

    Having long persisted in demands for answers to your personal questions (especially those concerning my career and business interests) I am unable to 'remind me of your job (sic)' because 'their' has not been an occasion when I ever disclosed such information to you.

    I must digress to a memorable 'routine' police traffic stop when I was questioned along these lines by a uniformed scruff, responding with "Why do you want to know...and how can that be of any legitimate concern of police?" If the law, or your understanding of it, has changed in this regard please feel free to exercise your authority.

    Just to provide a few words of encouragement, I must confess to age-related gullibility and a ready predisposition to buckle under interrogation.

  9. Tumbleweed as usual.

  10. "They think if they carry a child or have a baby in a pram it makes them immune from arrest."

    Was watching that programme on fare evaders a few days ago, one dodger was outraged that she was being asked to pay a fare by a black ticket inspector 'because you're the same colour as me' as if that should actually make a difference!

    "Take heart folks, hundreds more coming across the channel in toy boats every day and our record of returning them is only 5%."

    I didn't think it was even as high as that!

    "...the indiscriminate use of these abominable weapons..."

    When they wander the streets using them on innocent members of the public, and not criminals resisting arrest, you might have a point...
