Saturday 23 May 2020

Clearly, She Had No Problem Lying Down...

The 39-year-old said she also suffers from a condition called SPD, which prevents her from being able to stand for long periods of time and can cause extreme pain.
She said: "Supermarket staff are doing an amazing job but I just want a bit of courtesy for pregnant women.
"I'm a single mum with three kids and I don't have anyone who can go to the shop for me."
Can't you ask the father(s) of your children?


  1. I thought the condition was the inability to keep her legs together ....

  2. She's just one more example of the success of the Frankfurt School policies which have been imposed on us by left and right leaning politicians. No thought required: leave school, become a professional breeder and the state will see you right by paying you other people's earnings.

    1. What are some of the main targets of the Frankfurt School ? Education, the family, organised religion, the private sector. They must be loving Covid19.

  3. "She had no problem lying down"...oh, dear.

    I must opt for a more unorthodox position with this lady. Are you not influenced by her 'vulnerable group' status which arose around March 16th, when she would have received official notification of it and accordingly advised to reduce social contact? I think that most pregnant women are aware of the need to avoid viral infections and reasonable men will defer to a heavily pregnant woman. As far as I'm concerned, she can go to the head of any damn queue.

    For the sake of curiosity, in which decade was chivalry totally eradicated from Essex, JuliaM?

    1. Chivalry was eliminated by feminism wasn't it? Powerful self reliant and capable women don't need it. I'm slightly conflicted because I quite like the idea of chivalry but I like self reliant and capable women as well.

  4. Was chivalry "eradicated" or was it a matter of parents were NFI about bringing their litters up properly?

  5. Could it be that all the kids are the results of immaculate conception and that's why no father's are around to help? Nothing to worry about the taxpayers will provide. The same taxpayers who can't afford that many kids of their own because they are paying for other people's.

  6. "I thought the condition was the inability to keep her legs together .."

    That too!

    " more example of the success of the Frankfurt School policies ..."

    At least some schools are having successes then!

    " which decade was chivalry totally eradicated from Essex, JuliaM?"

    About the same one where personal responsibility was eradicated in Liverpool, Melvin.

    And chivalry, I seem to recall, is owed to ladies. She's female, clearly. But a lady?

    "Nothing to worry about the taxpayers will provide. The same taxpayers who can't afford that many kids of their own..."

    Despite the fact they'd raise them a bit better.

    "They must be loving Covid19."

    They must be ecstatic at the George Floyd riots too.
