Saturday 30 May 2020

Fanning The Flames...

The usual suspects acting like animals and destroying their own neighbourhoods is a sadly familiar sight these days.

Also becoming rapidly familiar are the middle class agitators cheering them on safely from the sidelines, knowing their streets are safe, their local shops won't be looted and then burned.

I'm assuming Ms Brand (are all Brands shit comedians..? Is it the name?) never quite grasped the concept of 'two wrongs don't make a right'. 

Still, it's OK, because the smell of burning cars won't reach her middle-class haven...

And then we have this:

Can anyone imagine the howls of outrage if the rioters and looters are described as 'animalistic'?

But clearly, being an X Factor winner gifts you a forensic ability with the English language, such that those running from burning buildings with armfuls of looted Nikes are, well, what? Misunderstood youth?

Still, Niall's favourite coffee and pastry shop will still be standing in the morning, so it's all good.


  1. Many citizens find it difficult to understand why the same anger hasn't manifested itself here, to an even greater extent than now seen in the USA. It's not difficult to imagine a scenario where any egotistical assassin in a food-stained uniform with a bully's braggadocio, becomes a focus for murderous revenge in the UK.

    On both sides of the Atlantic, citizens are on the brink of acting decisively against out-of-control police. The majority of UK citizens may prefer to give peaceful change a chance...starting with a very different oath sworn by police. But one way or another, change is coming.

  2. Waiting for Twitter to ban these encouragers of violence in 5, 4, 3, 2..... 17,546

  3. I have to say I agree with MTG - this has been coming for some time in the US. The police are effectively an occupying force there, who can kill with impunity. The usual race hustlers are making it all about race (of course) but the reality is the police there are equal opportunities killers, they'll shoot anyone and get away with it. I suspect that plenty of white folks are not exactly too concerned either that the police are getting a good kicking. They know it could equally be them next time the police get a wrong address and raid a house all tooled up, or indeed they just approach a police car in the middle of the night (to use the example of the Australian lady shot by a US cop while trying to get help from him)

    And as many commentators have already pointed out, we are going in the same direction in the UK. OK we don't have the guns so much, but we do have a police force that has decided its going to side with 'progressive' forces within society, rather than the mainstream, and thus has alienated much of its natural supporters, the broad mass of the public who aren't progressive. We already see what happens when some hapless female police officer is trying to subdue some 'diverse' elements of society - everyone stands around and laughs, while recording it on their phones.

    So we shouldn't be too smug about whats happening in the US, the seeds are already growing for similar discontent with the police here. As with many things like this, these sort of societal forces remain entirely hidden for many years, but can be suddenly triggering into full view by some small thing.

  4. In a population of hundreds of millions there will be bad people who do bad things. Some of those bad people will be police. None of this should even need to be said. Who can forget that recent-ish occasion where a man complying with police orders by lying on a hotel corridor floor was shot and killed - effectively murdered in cold blood - causing countless thousands of white Americans to riot, burn and loot? (I might not have got that last bit entirely right.)
    Having said that, the notion that US police are 'an occupying force ... who can kill with impunity' and who will 'shoot anyone and get away with it' is completely hysterical and unhinged.

  5. "the notion that US police are 'an occupying force ... who can kill with impunity' and who will 'shoot anyone and get away with it' is completely hysterical and unhinged."

    How many people have the US police killed in the last 10 years? [Hint, its 6 times more than have been killed by Islamic Terrorists].

  6. "In a population of hundreds of millions there will be bad people who do bad things. Some of those bad people will be police. "

    This is not about 'bad people'. This isn't about policemen going rogue like those cops in the Dirty Harry movie and randomly shooting people who they think deserve it. Its about cops shooting people as a matter of operational routine, and management (and the political class) backing them up all the way. Look how badly a US cop has to behave before they get arrested and charged with an unlawful killing. Very few do, despite the c.1000 people killed each year by US police. Other than in the most egregious cases US police have the green light to shoot first and ask questions afterwards, because they know they're golden. In the UK the police have shot 55 people in the last 24 years. In a population thats about one fifth of the USA. In the same time the US police will have shot over 20k people. Thats a sign of a police force operating more as an armed militia than a law enforcement organisation.

  7. Melvin, my local Lidl has a special offer on at the moment on tin-foil. You seem to be running low.
    Change of oath?? Oh my sides are aching...........why don't you stand for election MTG and try and change things? You often post on here that the "majority of people agree with you"...oh you did stand? What happened?
    PS Still waiting for the link to the case where you sued the police and got compensation and an apology.

  8. "Oh my sides are aching...."

    Poor WC Jaded. You weren't selected as piggy guinea at the Rib Cage Kneeling Tutorial...again?

  9. "Many citizens find it difficult to understand why the same anger hasn't manifested itself here..."

    Why should decent people be angry at the death of a criminal? We don't riot. We know who does.

    "Waiting for Twitter to ban these encouragers of violence in 5, 4, 3, 2..... 17,546"

    You'll still be waiting when Satan is browsing eBay for secondhand ice skates.

    "...this has been coming for some time in the US. The police are effectively an occupying force there, who can kill with impunity. "

    You only 'occupy' an unwilling populace. If the populace are unwilling for their streets to be policed and the laws enforced, perhaps they should go somewhere that doesn't happen: Somalia.

    "...or indeed they just approach a police car in the middle of the night (to use the example of the Australian lady shot by a US cop while trying to get help from him)"

    By a cop who wouldn't have made the grade in any other city not more concerned with 'diversity' than capability.

    "How many people have the US police killed in the last 10 years?"

    Is it more or less than gangbangers, junkies and armed robbers? Give us a clue?

  10. "Other than in the most egregious cases US police have the green light to shoot first and ask questions afterwards..."

    Ask yourself why. They want to go home at the end of the day too.
