Wednesday 20 May 2020

Filth Column

If you're a tourist at Tower Hill trying to cross a road while cyclists blatantly ignore the lights and speed through, would you be able to claim it's a 'challenging road' and request they review patrol plans accordingly?

And me.


  1. Challenging road! That will be the day almost all the cyclists around here are on the pavements and footpaths. I have lost count of the near misses I have seen and experienced, say anything and you are likely to get a tirade of abuse. Police are not interested and I have long given up asking them to address the problem. Only a few months ago a cyclist knocked an elderly lady down on the pavement and she died a few days latter, still nothing done. God bless our British Police probably the most idle in Europe.

  2. That's what a walking stick is for - if a cyclist treats a red light as optional he should find a walking stick caught up in his front wheel.....

  3. Re your Tower Hill question, YES! Complain through the right channels. Take and forward pictures/video and do it again - and again - and again. Get on their nerves: create a paperwork storm until they do something. It worked on illegal motorcycling in South Yorkshire . . .

  4. If the government keeps on with its zero emissions policy it will soon be a case of not worrying about the bikes because when they break or the tyres wear out there will be nothing to repair them and soon after that we will be reduced to using horse and cart.

  5. Yes Ivan. You try explaining this to, even quite intelligent, younger people. They just have no understanding about how stuff is made and where it comes from. No idea about the levels of poverty that existed before we found ways of making stuff cheap enough for ordinary people to afford.

  6. "I have lost count of the near misses I have seen and experienced..."

    I've seen someone cycling a main road with a iPad balanced between his handlebars watching a movie! Beat that... :)

    "That's what a walking stick is for - if a cyclist treats a red light as optional he should find a walking stick caught up in his front wheel....."

    I'm sure Q could fit something to one's car that would be useful in those circumstances... ;)

    " Get on their nerves: create a paperwork storm until they do something. It worked on illegal motorcycling in South Yorkshire . . ."

    When I retire, I think I might just do that...

    "They just have no understanding about how stuff is made and where it comes from."

    Tony Blair's 'education, education, education' working as intended?
