Sunday 3 May 2020

Gritty New Remake Of 'The Beano' Is Hardcore...

Shouldn't have asked Guy Ritchie to direct...


  1. Let's make catapults section one firearms that will stop the peasants carrying them. Just like when we took all the guns off the law abiding who didn't use them for criminal purposes. Now only the Police and an ever growing number of criminals have guns do that's OK then.

  2. @Anon: Surely you didn't accept that the mass disarming of us by the establishment was for our safety? It was only ever for their safety: an unarmed populace being much easier to control.

  3. Did the cat land on the police car after it was "pulted"?

  4. Anonymous is right: it must be thanks to our firearms legislation that we have so little gun crime, especially in urban areas of an unmentionable demographic.

  5. "Let's make catapults section one firearms that will stop the peasants carrying them."

    At least they can't be concealed carry, they have to be sticking out of the back pocket of your shorts. By law.

    "... so little gun crime, especially in urban areas of an unmentionable demographic."

    Machetes don't require loading...
