Friday 22 May 2020

Harden Up, Then, Princesses!

Police say they were "disappointed" to be criticised by locals as they took a nuisance motorcycle off the streets of Bradford.
The Steerside Enforcement Team tweeted: "Rider seen by us out on the streets in Fagley, @WYP_BradfordE. Stopped and found to be 15yrs old. Reported for several offences and bike seized. Disappointed to hear so many locals criticising us for taking this off the streets."
Oh, FFS! Just get on with your job. No-one cares if your feelings are hurt because you get comments on social media!


  1. Emotional immaturity seriously damages plod PR and even plod relationships with each other. Frequent incidents of childishness involve antics which see them responding by taking their ball home. "If you dare to criticise us, don't call us again when you need us".

    Immature plod find it difficult to properly process their emotions, often appearing self-indulgent and remind one of the friendless 'fat kid at school'. You know, the kid who grew up with a chip on his shoulder to match an over-sized gut and found revenge employment as a policeman.

    'Disappointed' represents the majority of West Yorks defensive and puerile plod who are unable to effectively police.

    1. But in this case they did effectively police and people still weren't happy.

  2. Public being disappointed rather than surprised that the police are actually doing their job for a change?

  3. Indeed, it seems our security forces have become imbued with the wretched 'snow flake' mentality. May the gods that oversee such calamity punish the miscreants unto the 5th generation. A bit harsh, but warranted.

  4. Surely, the unlicensed, uninsured, 15 year old was not causing a problem unlawfully riding an unregistered, powerful, fast, motorcycle through the residential streets, putting the lives of any children, elderly pedestrians, or other motorists at risk. How dare the Police stop him and take the vehicle off him?
    Personally, I would have liked to have the boy and both of his parents, as long as he knew who his father was, watch the bike being crushed.
    It's true that many Police officers have not done the image of their force, or themselves, much good in Stasi like behaviour over this CCPvirus, but in this case they are damned if they do and would be damned if they didn't.
    Perhaps a better tweet would have replaced the word "disappointed" with "exasperated", or even "pissed off".

  5. One swallow does not make a Summer. Just as the bare truth can fall on stony ground when 'the seed becomes nothing more than bird food.'

  6. The vast majority of the people in the area were probably delighted the motorcycle was ceased. We are plagued with the things here and I would love to see the back of them. But in today's world the word of the snowflake is law and the majority can go to hell. Grow a pair Police and get on with the job we pay you for.

  7. I live along the road from Fagley, he must have been the runt of the litter taken down by an ageing lion. Given the amount of balaclaved xbikers and quad bikers on the roads of Fagley, Ravo and Thorpe Edge

  8. One of my earliest Sergeants said to me once " you are doing your job correctly if you are upsetting criminals ". He was perfectly correct but in those days we were a proper force.

  9. WC Jaded appears to have spilled the beans. Nowadays, plod are ignoring the criminals to collect taxes from the law-abiding. It's more "You are doing your job correctly if you are upsetting middle class savers."

  10. ""

    "Public being disappointed rather than surprised that the police are actually doing their job for a change?"

    I'm not sure the cops should ever mistake Twitter for 'the public'...

    "...and people still weren't happy."

    Not 'people'. Ask the average man in the street and he'd probably be delighted. Just professional pisstakers on social media.

    I should know. I am one in my spare time. ;)

    "Personally, I would have liked to have the boy and both of his parents, as long as he knew who his father was, watch the bike being crushed."

    Me too. Followed by the words 'Any more out of you, and you're next in the crusher'.

    "I live along the road from Fagley..."

    You have my sympathies!

    "One of my earliest Sergeants said to me once " you are doing your job correctly if you are upsetting criminals "."

    Wise man!

  11. The most disappointing thing was another article in the Argus about the demolition of the White Knight (ex Phillips) tumble dryer factory in Hipperholme. I think that was the last maker of tumble dryers in the UK. There was nothing wrong with them, they just couldn't compete with countries that aren't taxed to death to pay for Chavscum.
