Friday 15 May 2020

How Thick Are Cleveland Police..?

Or maybe that should be 'How lazy and incompetent are they?':
Michael Fisher, 72, was out at around 9am on Sunday with Sansa his young cream Saluki. They were just a few metres into the Marton park when the duo were set upon by two white American Bulldogs and two tanned Boxers (Ed: huh..?) who were off their leads.
Mr Fisher was knocked backwards to the floor as the dogs savaged him, while others set upon Sansa.
Typical owners of these thing, as always:
The father-of-two and grandad-of-two, from Marton, said that the owners of the dogs managed to pull them away before leaving the stricken pair without apologising or giving their details.
A trip to the vets at Coulby Newham followed where Mr Fisher was told to inform the police.
I should think so! This is a cr...

A Cleveland Police spokeswoman confirmed the incident had been reported.
She added: "However, there has not been a crime committed and the owner of the dog has been advised regarding civil action."
No crime, eh? Really? What does the Dangerous Dogs Act 1991 have to say about that?
A dog can be regarded as being dangerously out of control on any occasion where it causes fear or apprehension to a person that it may injure them.
What does Mr Fisher have to say about his experience?
"There was a dog on top of me, I thought it's going to take my bloody throat out here, they were growling, they were crackers.
"I went through all those news flashes, people being set upon by their family pet and being killed or maimed."
Sounds like he was experiencing 'fear and apprehension' to me. But then I don't work for Cleveland Police.

Does anyone? Sure doesn't seem like it.


  1. I've never seen a tanned boxer except in a ring, but I do wonder if the dogs' owners were of a protected demographic . . .

  2. You can bet your bottom dollar that if someone in Cleveland's police area had received a complaint that another person had said 'I don't like Islam very much', the police would most definitely treated it as a crime. Our police forces are lazy, arrogant, stupid and bent and we deserve much better policing that what we get.

  3. Unfortunately that force has a long and inglorious tradition of being one of the worst in the country.
    Makes a change from it being their own dog...

  4. Seems like a suitable case of implementing Clarkson's Law. After that, do the same to the Cleveland Cretin who said there was no offence. That should concentrate the mind somewhat.

  5. Ever more typical of today's Policing, take the line that enables you to do as little as possible. Unless it involves taking easy money from the law abiding or working on fashionable crime they don't want to know. Protecting the public has not figured in police work for a very long time. Oh yes don't forget to pay this year's inflated council tax police element, inept Policing and get cat Police and crime commissioners don't come cheap you know.

  6. A strange coincidence? The response from an equally incompetent West Yorks Farce after reporting the theft of my valuable cylinder mower:-

    "The owner of the lawnmower has been advised regarding civil action." (sine litteris)

  7. I used to repair industrial power tools for a living. Some of these tools were very easy to work on and very straightforward to fix. Others were a complete pain in the arse and you would rather not have them to do. How convenient it would have been if I could have just kicked the awkward ones under my workbench and forgotten about them. Just do the easy ones for an easy life. Hell the lockdown must have made them think that all of their Christmases had come at once.

  8. But if the victim leaves it at that, the Cleveland Plod have got away with doing nothing.

    First step should be the Police & Crime Commissioner with a formal complaint, that escalates it to Chief Constable level and he'd really rather not be bothered with that stuff, he's got golf to play.
    If that delivers no result, then write to the MP - again it lands on the Chief's desk, more work he'd rather not do.
    If that fails, write to the Home Secretary etc. Keep raising shit via every available channel until they realise that it's easier to do the job right in then first place than to handle the complaints.
    If folk don't do that every time, it's no wonder Plod get away with not doing their job.

  9. Yes that's a coincidence Melvin. Your lawnmower gets stolen and years later and 100 miles away someone gets bitten by a dog. Spooky. I'd call the x files if I were you.
    Anyway tell me about the great lawnmower heist. You've never mentioned it before. I'm all ears.

  10. Time for net surfing...with so many lame Grannies sat on park benches, WC Jaded?

  11. If anon thinks contacting the Police and Crime Commission will do any good they must have a very different one to me. Mine is a total waste of an office and a fat cat salary.

  12. Still waiting for the link to your "successful court case against the police" Melvin.
    Has hell frozen over yet?

  13. Well...taser me and hold the trigger down! I'm beginning to suspect that you don't love me anymore, Jaded.

  14. However you dress up your posts in clever language or Latin quotes you are clearly a liar Melvin.

  15. As a pathological dissimulator, you continue to suffer an appalling torment of being unable to believe anyone else, WC Jaded.

  16. My point exactly

  17. One day Medical Science will fix stupid, Jaded.

  18. "...but I do wonder if the dogs' owners were of a protected demographic . . "

    Normally I'd agree, but in most of these cases it's not so. The police just hate having to do the job they are paid to do.

    "Our police forces are lazy, arrogant, stupid and bent and we deserve much better policing that what we get."

    Sadly, an increasingly accurate summation.

    "Makes a change from it being their own dog... "

    Heh! They needed a jury to tell them that?

    "After that, do the same to the Cleveland Cretin who said there was no offence. That should concentrate the mind somewhat."

    That gets a big thumb's up!

    "Hell the lockdown must have made them think that all of their Christmases had come at once."

    It's been a good pandemic for some personality types, hasn't it?

    "If folk don't do that every time, it's no wonder Plod get away with not doing their job."

    I think, when I retire, I'll offer my services as a professional complainer to people. I'd never get tired of it!
