Saturday 9 May 2020


Yes, I thought with coronavirus we could give Silly Season a miss this year but...apparently not!
Sharon Larkin-Snowden, from west Cumbria, posted the images in the Big Cats in Cumbria Facebook page which she runs to coordinate potential sightings.
Oh, we got a live one here all right!
She told the News & Star: "When I saw it, I just thought straight away 'caracal'."

Well, I suppose it is cat shaped...
For Sharon, the clarity of the images got her excited. "This has to be some of the best photographic evidence to-date," she said.
"It may not be our panther, but this is one of the smaller big cats.
"These photos are genuine.
"I'm overwhelmed by the response I got off the photos though - I only put them on my page to show other members. I never expected it to go that far."
How far? Attracting all the people telling you you're an idiot and it's just a cat, you mean?


  1. Unless there is a near by object to offer scale, there is no way to tell how large or small the cat is. So the pictures are really nothing to get excited about at all.

  2. Well, obviously it is a Lynx.

  3. There is no evidence of anything here. Yes the photographs may be genuine but who knows where and when they were taken?

  4. Without some known object for size comparison, it's a pointless photo.

    Any fool could photograph a model of a big cat, or a cat, next to some twigs.

  5. There's no grin so it can't be a Cheshire Cat, so it's probably Macavity.

  6. "Unless there is a near by object to offer scale..."

    There never is. Just as the other pics on the 'photographers' phone/camera memory card will be crystal clear and pin sharp...until this one.

    "Well, obviously it is a Lynx."

    Looks nothing like a can of deodorant!

    "There's no grin so it can't be a Cheshire Cat, so it's probably Macavity."

