Saturday 30 May 2020

Quote Of The Month

Longrider points out the most salient thing about the Cummings Affair:
"However, did he break the law? I do not believe so. Did he stretch the meaning of reasonable? Well, yes, I believe that he did. However, if we are to compare his behaviour with that of Professor Neil Ferguson, there is a significant difference. Arranging childcare does fit within the scope of reasonable, whereas arranging to get your leg over with your mistress does not. Cummings could – and should – have foreseen this and made plans accordingly."


  1. "Arranging childcare does fit within the scope of reasonable, whereas arranging to get your leg over with your mistress does not."

    Neither is travelling 170 miles and back to deliver a birthday cake, but then again Stephen Kinnock is a Remainer, so thats alright then...........

  2. If you are travelling by car and having minimal contact with anybody, what difference is there between going 20 miles and going 120 miles? Part of the problem is that government guidelines make no logical sense.

  3. Stonyground, I believe the problem is what happens if you break down or crash the car and others are exposed to your virus while trying to help you. It seems unfair to put dedicated emergency service workers at potential risk.

  4. "...but then again Stephen Kinnock is a Remainer, so thats alright then..........."

    Of course! The media and talking heads say more by their silence than by their condemnation.

    "Part of the problem is that government guidelines make no logical sense."

    Goodness, it's almost as if our 'world class civil service' were just a hopeless bunch of incompetents!
