Wednesday 13 May 2020

Seems Like A Lot Of Work To Prove The Obvious...

The Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) launched an inquiry in the aftermath of the crash at 1.23am on September 29, 2018, which saw Jahed Islam, 25, lose control of his Mazda and plough into a building shortly after the officer in a marked police car had called off the high-speed pursuit.
Preston Crown Court heard that Islam was driving at nearly two-and-a-half times the speed limit, along Colne Road in Burnley, when he clipped a taxi and his Mazda car struck the building near the junction with Hebrew Road (Ed: *chuckles*), Preston Crown Court was told.
Sadly, only one of the passengers died, and not the driver, because these people seem to have a charmed life...
Last year Islam, of of Burns Street, Burnley, was jailed for 11 years and nine months after admitting to causing the death of Mr Hamin by dangerous driving, causing serious injury to Mr Mr Bhatti and having no insurance.
Wonder if deportation after sentence is an option?
And the IOPC has confirmed it has concluded its own investigation, after obtaining a detailed account from the officer involved, along with a copy of the transcript of the police interview with the driver of the Mazda. They also examined CCTV footage and transcriptions of the radio transmissions between the officer and the control room and reviewed data recorded by the police vehicle as well as the collision investigation report.
What a waste of everyone's time.


  1. Oh Lordy! I read it as 'Bums Street'. Must go to Specsavers.

    Presumably Mr Hamin had no Ham In him - because that would've been just wrong in Hebrew Street. Does this case go to prove how bad and dangerous Islam is?

    The police investigation was needed to defend the argument that Plod had forced him to crash.

    What gets me is that his passengers seemed to have been content to be in the speeding car, and got what they deserved. Shame that only one of the three died.

  2. He will be out in just over 5 years no doubt living on benefits and back behind the wheel with no insurance again.

  3. Perhaps, when this gentle RoP representative is released, he is fitted with a modified ankle bracelet, if he goes more than 50 feet from his abode, a small explosive charge blows his foot off. He will do it, at the most, only twice. Uninsured driving problem solved.

  4. "The police investigation was needed to defend the argument that Plod had forced him to crash."

    If they did, good for them, so long as he didn't wipe out an innocent motorist in the process.

    "He will be out in just over 5 years..."

    Sadly, very likely.

    "...a small explosive charge blows his foot off. He will do it, at the most, only twice."

    Bracelets can be fitted elsewhere!
