Monday 25 May 2020

The Enemy Within (Redux)

We've always known this, haven't we, fellow bloggers?

But it's nice of Boris and Dominic to drive them so utterly insane that they finally crack and reveal it to everyone:

It lasted 12 minutes before a startled Sir Humphrey was alerted to the inadvertent reveal of their plans, and wrestled the Twitter account away from the holder, whose name we'll probably never know...

But screenshots are like diamonds, they're forever.

And now we all know for certain that the famed impartiality of the civil serpents is a lie, a sham, every bit an illusion as the impartiality of the BBC or the integrity of the Press, or the Hippocratic oath of the medical profession.

Whatever you may think of Boris and Dominic, you can't deny they are great at getting their enemies to reveal themselves...


  1. Colour me dim, but what am I looking for? Link? Clue?

  2. Guido is covering this and in my opinion it is a much bigger story than it may at first seem. Firstly, it's unlikely to be a junior civil servant being in charge of the UK Civil Service or even a departmental social media account. This is much more likely to have come from much much higher up than from someone of AO/EO type grade. It may well have come from a senior person in the Cabinet Office's communications department. At the very least this implicates Senior Civil Servants (SCS grade types) in being in a position of open rebellion against the elected government. Secondly it exposes the Cabinet Office and the Civil Service as a whole to accusations of bias, something I've heard much more junior members of the CS getting hauled over the coals over.

  3. Done my little bit by not clicking on any MSM link that mentions Mr C, might make them think I care.

  4. "...what am I looking for? Link? Clue?"


    " my opinion it is a much bigger story than it may at first seem."

    Mine too. Sadly, I doubt we'll ever find out the name of the culprit. But it's no consequence, because I suspect he or she is hardly the only one.
