Monday 18 May 2020

This Is An Appeal For Chief Superintendent Eddie Wylie...

...the last man alive who can't use Zoom or MS Teams:
BTP confirmed Chief Superintendent Eddie Wylie returned to his home in Holmfirth, Yorkshire from his rented flat in Glasgow on two occasions between March 21 and May 13, but said he did not breach Covid-19 regulations.
Oh..? How not?
It said that on both occasions he travelled home alone and by car to minimise any possible exposure to others.
That's not stopped them turning back people by the score, has it?
In a statement, BTP said: 'Crucially, the restrictions state that people should only leave the place they are living if they have a reasonable excuse.
'This includes travelling for the purposes of work where it is not reasonably possible for that person to work from the place they are living.
'It would not be reasonably possible for Chief Superintendent Wylie to perform his role solely from either the Glasgow address, or his home in Yorkshire.'
Funny, everyone else has managed to work remotely. Why can't Eddie?

Does he not have broadband? Ot a seven year old who can show him the ropes? Poor soul!
It comes after Scotland's former chief medical officer Dr Catherine Calderwood resigned after it emerged she had twice visited her second home in Fife contrary to her own warnings to avoid unnecessary travel.
I bet she wishes she'd brazened it out now!


  1. I suppose that this would be the same British Transport Police who are wasting public resources on a social media campaign to 'stop hate crimes during lockdown' would it? This failure to abide by the laws that he is tasked with enforcing is just another example of how there is one rule for the police and quite another for the rest of us.

  2. Ah, but can Cheif Medical Ocifers retire early with full pension plus benifits?
    The only surprising things about this sorry tale are the gender and race of this High Chief Bummer Superintended.
    And another thing. Why a bolthole in Sasenachland. Has he no faith in the blessed Saint Nippie and her glorious plans for Scoatlaaand? I bet the bootload of Scotch he carts back to Glesgie, at a saving of 4 of your English pounds a litre, more than makes up for his fuel costs. If he pays for that himself?

  3. Is it possible that 'their' are flaws in the enduring arrangement of police investigating 'there' own misconduct?

  4. The thing is, if he travelled by car and didn't interact with anyone during his travels then there was no risk to anyone. If that level of common sense was applied everywhere else then there wouldn't be a problem. The rest of us shouldn't be so compliant whenever this is an issue.

  5. The whole situation is bereft of logic, common sense, nowse.
    Yes, fly in, boat in, swim? in from whatever disease invested place you come from, but once you are here do not go out to a deserted beach and lay out, furlongs from the nearest stranger, in virus destroying, vitamin D providing, depression ending sunshine or a gang of maskless functionaries will come right up to you and collect you in a crowded group and lecture you about the folly of total strangers gathering in crowded groups.
    Plus overtime.

  6. Chief Super E Wylie?
    Wonder if his minions call him Coyote, what with him and his cunning plan.
    That's All Folks.
    You can tell I've got those lockdown, silly arsholes, now its bloody raining, bored to tears, drunk the last beer blues.

  7. Yet another nail in the coffin of British Policing, they no longer have to obey the law they pretend to enforce. Little wonder the public have little regard for them anymore.

  8. So, if I am stopped for driving my car, can I use the excuse that I self identify as a senior Police officer in BTP?

  9. And how did Fergusons floozie get across London for their trysts?

  10. 'he travelled home alone and by car to minimise any possible exposure to others'

    Given the length of the trip, it raises some interesting questions about the size of
    a) his petrol tank
    b) his bladder

  11. Meanwhile, Newquay police have been very busy carrying out dawn raids...yes, DAWN RAIDS on camper vans (no, no, not the 'traveller' variety) order to generate lucrative revenue by issuing a plethora of penalty tickets.

    Not so stupid as to have overlooked the 'money drain' arising from burglary and grooming gang investigations, eh?

  12. "...the same British Transport Police who are wasting public resources on a social media campaign to 'stop hate crimes during lockdown'..."

    The very same!

    "The only surprising things about this sorry tale are the gender and race of this High Chief Bummer Superintended."


    "The rest of us shouldn't be so compliant whenever this is an issue."

    I'm seeing that deployed in defence of Dom Cummings...

    "Yet another nail in the coffin of British Policing..."

    You can't see any of the wood for the nails, yet still they enthusiastically hammer away.

    "So, if I am stopped for driving my car, can I use the excuse that I self identify as a senior Police officer in BTP?"

    Tell them you're Boris's bew political adviser!

    ", no, not the 'traveller' variety..."

    *sighs* No, it never would be, would it?
