Wednesday 29 July 2020

It's All In What They Don't Say...

...but the clues are all there:
Police were called to a child's birthday party after three entertainer's (sic) dressed as characters from Paw Patrol were beaten and racially abused by the children.
'No one was controlling them and they were just being allowed to attack us.'
All three women tried to leave the party and reach their car but the gates to the caravan park were closed. and the birthday boy's parents demanded their £80 deposit back.
Eventually the police were called and eight officers arrived to help the women.
Ebonie says the sight of three riot vans and three police cars turning up to a four-year-old's birthday party was surreal.
Aren't they?

H/T: InspGadget and DizzyThinks via Twitter


  1. I must be living a sheltered life because I don't get it, perhaps further comments will explain. Travellers?

  2. Is the missing word from the newspaper report the word 'Pikey'? It certainly could be as the only caravan park that I can find in the area is a site for 'Travellers'. If it is the same site that is mentioned in the local council document linked to below then it sounds like a hell hole that was not cleared away when it should have been. Apparently there's been breaches of planning permission, illegally tapping into a local villages water supply causing pressure drops for villagers, fly tipping, anti social behaviour, the dumping of sewage on neighbouring farm land and even slavery associated with the site.

    To give some balance, I've met the occasional Christian Pikey who have been OK and no threat to me or mine but they seem to be in an absolute minority when it comes to 'travellers', with the rest being various shades of scum.

  3. Wow I didn't think we had that many police left in the world. That's more than turned up when we had a neighborhood stabed to death. Fortunately the police soon labeled his death as an unfortunate accident, that cleared it up quickly and cheaply with minimum effort. We still don't know who stabed him though which is a bit of a worry since it happened only 50 yards from me in his own house.

  4. These women performers were being very naive thinking that gypsies were A) going to accept them and B) pay them.
    Gypsies in my experience moan constantly about racism but they are one of the most racist groups I have ever met.
    It will be interesting to see which side the twitterati take...

  5. "I must be living a sheltered life..."

    I envy you!

    "...then it sounds like a hell hole..."

    Are they ever anything else?

    "Wow I didn't think we had that many police left in the world."

    They know this site all too well, and exactly how many police are needed. Tells you something, eh?
