Tuesday 14 July 2020

It's Mad To Call Him A Psychologist....

A Croydon psychologist has been jailed for at least 32 years after bludgeoning his victim to death with a barbell to steal his Rolex watch.

Well, no. It seems likely he gained the degree while in clink. There's no evidence he ever worked as one:
Christopher McDonald, who gained a first class degree in psychology, had been on life licence for public protection when he killed Paul Tong.
That worked out well, then, didn't it?
Mr Tong, 54, known as Yankee, was attacked by McDonald with an exercise weight at his home in Ealing, west London, on April 19 2017.
Following a trial at the Old Bailey, McDonald, 35, was found guilty of murder and conspiracy to rob. On Monday, he was jailed for life with a minimum term of 32 years.
His co-defendant, criminology Masters degree student Aliysa Ellis, a bipolar friend of Mr Tong, was found guilty of manslaughter and conspiracy to rob.
What a lovely bunch of people, eh? Truly, it's 'No Humans Involved'.
McDonald, who once burgled his own grandmother while armed with a knife, was released from HMP Elmley on September 8, 2014.
The mitigation is going to be a bit of an uphill struggle. But his brief is game!
Kerim Fuad, QC, defending McDonald, argued that the murderer stood a chance of reforming himself after release from prison 'albeit as a much older man.'
Mr Fuad said: 'His behaviour throughout the trial has been, I submit, impeccable and courteous.
'The minimum term will place him in or close to his 70s before he can ask for parole.
'He's a father of three young children. As an individual he can positively contribute to society. Albeit as a much older man.'
I'm not entirely sure how...


  1. Reminds me of that great line from Minder.

    "My mate got a degree in the nick. Sociology. He's still a thieving toerag but now he can tell you why he does it."

  2. "life licence for public protection."

    That sounds like Orwellian double speak to me, or did they use a dictionary written by Humpty Dumpty?

  3. "As an individual he can positively contribute to society"
    Here's a bus ticket to Beachy Head. (Other high places are available)

  4. Pete Tong, surely. Is he a person of no particular description?

    You can't even say black these days in some places:


  5. I understand that McDonald was in the process of suing the Home Office. He really wanted to study as a gynaecologist, but the Prison authorities wouldn't let him do any homework.

  6. Clearly they didn't do it, and have been framed because they is black (and ugly).

  7. "...As an individual he can positively contribute to society..."

    By leaving society through shuffling off this mortal coil?

  8. No chance of us getting his student loan repaid any time soon then.

  9. Lucky he didn't study politics or he'd have murdered 50 million.

  10. According to the Mail report, he was killed with a dung bell. That would have been messy.

  11. UsedtobeBanned15 July 2020 at 12:42

    Somewhere there are In Clink Education Providers who think they are making the world a better place.

  12. "Reminds me of that great line from Minder."


    "I understand that McDonald was in the process of suing the Home Office. He really wanted to study as a gynaecologist, but the Prison authorities wouldn't let him do any homework."

    With the push to let gender-selfidentifing criminals choose the jail of their choicehe'd have had opportunities!

    "According to the Mail report, he was killed with a dung bell. That would have been messy."

