Thursday 16 July 2020

Nobody Sums It Up Better... they?

Well, except LegIron:
"I can hear the nasal whine of ‘Oh but those masks don’t protect against the virus’. Neither do any of the others. Not one. No matter how much you pay for them. If you are wearing a mask a virus can’t get through, you can’t breathe through it. Every damn mask out there is, to a virus, like a mouse going in through an open barn door. They are all, every one, completely and absolutely pointless."


  1. An excellent summation of the mask madness.

  2. The only thing masks are any good for is virtue signalling by the snowflakes, oh, and control of the plebs by the government.

  3. Wear your badge of subservience with pride! Never mind the virus, that was yesterday's reason for masks, now it's all about compliance and acceptance.

    But somewhere in the depths of MI-something, there's a problem: these masks have undone years of development of facial recognition software. Yes, we want a docile public, but also we'd like to ID all of them all of the time.

  4. There is the problem of mask 'venting' where contaminated air leaks around the edges of the face seal. It will surprise most folk but the latest National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines on the matter do not require operating staff to wear a mask in theatre.

  5. I've seen masks online with the star of David on them. I'm unsure if they are a joke.

  6. Having seen all this about masks and the virus can I make a simple point. Yes the virus is small enough to pass through the weave of any mask BUT the virus almost always travels in water droplets many of which will be trapped by a mask. Shouting the odds is all well and good but it's a good idea to engage the brain from time to time.

    1. Well aren't you the clever clogs. Why were you not advising the public 4 months ago? When the public should have been wearing masks they were told they were useless probably because the government didn't want the public to buy them all and leave a shortage which means this government is treating the public like cattle. To little to late. You are Boris Johnson and I claim my £5.

  7. UsedtobeBanned17 July 2020 at 01:12

    Awaiting delivery from Amazon, laminated card with, lanyard, explains why I am exempt from wearing a face mask.

  8. "The only thing masks are any good for is virtue signalling by the snowflakes, oh, and control of the plebs by the government."

    And it seems to be working; near 99.99% compliance so far.

    "...these masks have undone years of development of facial recognition software...."

    Queuing up outside HSBC on Friday, I couldn't help but chuckle at the Mask Enforcer standing by the sign warning of CCTV surveillance and telling motorcyclists they must remove their helmets before entering...

    "BUT the virus almost always travels in water droplets many of which will be trapped by a mask."

    And do you think everyone will diligently wash their mask every day?

    No. So it's just another hazard.
