Friday 17 July 2020

Now Will You Believe It Isn't About Health...?

..or 'stopping a virus'? It's about control, pure and simple.

It's about seeing what you can get away with in terms of regulating behaviour, if you dress it up as 'pandemic suppression'.


  1. Well they wanted their own parliament and they got one. What did they expect would happen when they granted a bunch of politicians a load of power and nothing to do?

  2. It was never about health. I'm sure I heard that one before somewhere...

  3. These measures should have been in place at the outset. They make perfect sense to me.

  4. Is shagging sheep still allowed in Wales? Or is it compulsory? Baaaaaa

  5. Lots of spray from anyone speaking welsh, so these seem like reasonable precautions to me.

  6. The Senate of Lilliput!

  7. UsedtobeBanned17 July 2020 at 12:38

    Who was it suggested getting us to hop on one leg humming the marsailles ?

  8. “Who was it suggested getting us to hop on one leg humming the marsailles ?”

    Good evening. I'm speaking to you about these boot-explosions. We, the government are doing all in our power to rectify this grave Scradje-deficiency which apparently exists. Until then, the British public must take the following precautions. To prevent yourselves exploding, remove your boots, reverse the buttons on your socks and walk backwards, holding a gas-stove above your head. I do hope this is only a temporary measure. Good night.”

    Or perhaps we should move all confirmed cases to Blackpool and enroll them in brass bands.

    You can't be too careful.

  9. "Well they wanted their own parliament and they got one. What did they expect would happen..."

    And now they are getting it. Good and hard. Trouble is, it spreads faster than Covid. Look at Boris!

    "It was never about health. I'm sure I heard that one before somewhere..."

    I suspect you're right...

    "Lots of spray from anyone speaking welsh..."

    Good point!

    "You can't be too careful."

