Monday 13 July 2020

The New #MeToo....

This time it's 'driving while black', and it's the Lawrence woman again.
The peer had been heading home through the streets of south London not long after her son was stabbed to death and realised she was being followed by a police car.
“They continued to follow me and then they flashed me to stop,” she said. “They said I needed to get out of my car. I said: ‘I’m a woman, it’s late at night and I don’t want to get out of my car.’
Why not? There's two police officers there, you're perfectly safe. Just get out of the bloody car like everyone else!
There were two officers, a man and woman. “Eventually I got out and they were telling me that they know the pub is not too long closed and that I was driving erratically.
“If anyone knows the black community, especially a woman, we are not coming out of pubs and this was after twelve [midnight]. So these are the issues that people in the black community are suffering from.”
I thought it was wrong to make assumptions about the behaviour of people based on their race? But you think they should have done so?

Gosh. It's almost like you want to have your cake and eat it, isn't it?


  1. "...not long after her son was stabbed to death..." i.e. 17 years ago. How is this relevant to what happens today?

  2. 27 years ago Frank!

  3. Got her a mention in the lefty's favourite dead tree, didn't it: what more could she ask?

  4. Appointing this stupid, resentful woman to the Lords on the basis of a personal tragedy was a dreadful mistake.


  5. Stopped once by the police in 27 years? Blimey, I've been stopped more than that. Is it 'cos I's white?

  6. There's a hardcore of British citizens of whom I feel utterly ashamed...and that group would never include family and friends of Baroness Lawrence of Clarendon, OBE. I am referring to hate-filled racists who dump their malice on blogs and hide behind their pseudonyms like cowards. Scum who could only make charity box robbers look good.

    Instead of peerages doled out to reward millionaire donors and party cronies, here was someone who truly deserved her honour; a gentle heart who suffered a great deal at the hands of murderers and evil, lying police. A woman whose courage and selfless determination has made such a huge contribution to British life. A woman who saw in her peerage, an opportunity to elevate her charities. The Nation is enriched by citizens with any of her qualities.

    Contrast this with the bile of cowards. So where are you, Penise, WC Jaded and teddy boy?

  7. “If anyone knows the black community, especially a woman, we are not coming out of pubs and this was after twelve [midnight]"

    The friendly black pisshead woman who falls out of my local boozer most nights will be surprised to hear that.

  8. If you are driving a vehicle then anyone in a vehicle behind has no idea of what race or sex the driver is.
    There are only 3 reasons why a Police officer would stop a motorist in circumstances like that - manner of driving, suspicion the vehicle is stolen, or a fault with the vehicle (assume the good(?) lady's vehicle was in a good condition.
    A check on the PNC by the co-pilot would identify the registered keeper of the vehicle. perhaps the officers were checking that it hadn't been stolen? If she was driving erratically, it may be that she was over the prescribed limit and you do not have to go to pubs to end up in that condition.
    The camersa in the Police vehicle and the body cameras on the officers would show the exact circumstances, but as the Met is headed by Cressida the Dick(less), it's likely an apology on one knee will follow..
    However, I still think the lady(?) doth protest too much.

  9. "... hide behind their pseudonyms like cowards" Like you, MTG 1?


  10. Gosh, Anon at 20.00.

    'Your' a CID veteran, then?

  11. Melvin has spoken. No one is allowed to disagree with the bastion of free speech.

  12. MTG 1 isn't a pseudonym, then. I takle back all imputation that it is.

    Anon 2020, timed to the second!

  13. So we have a stupid woman that made a big fuss because her son died in a drug deal that went bad and was bumped up to the nobility to keep her quiet now trying to get on the Burn, Loot, Murder band wagon for publicity again.

  14. I propose 'Black on Board' triangles in cars to let officers know the vehicle cannot legally be stopped.

  15. "How is this relevant to what happens today?"

    Everything;'s relevant when you have an axe to grind that's earned you a seat in the Lords, I guess....

    "Appointing this stupid, resentful woman to the Lords on the basis of a personal tragedy was a dreadful mistake."

    We could all see it coming. Why couldn't the State?

    " A woman whose courage and selfless determination..."

    Hang on, I thought we were discussing the Lawrence woman?

    "If you are driving a vehicle then anyone in a vehicle behind has no idea of what race or sex the driver is."

    Well, quite!

    "I propose 'Black on Board' triangles in cars to let officers know the vehicle cannot legally be stopped."

    Heh! But....don't give them ideas!
