Wednesday 8 July 2020

Whatever It Is, It's Not An Apology...

...criticism of the tweets have prompted a climb down from the chief inspector, who all but apologised on behalf of his force.
That 'all but' is doing a lot of work there. Here's what he actually said:
Chief Inspector Hodder said in a statement: 'We are aware that the tweet posted by the Roads Policing Unit in relation to this collision has attracted some criticism.
'It was certainly not our intention to cause any offence or belittle the severity of the incident.
'The team continually balances the need to raise awareness of road safety messages whilst being innovative in our messaging on social media.
'I am fully supportive of officers highlighting road safety matters and engaging with the public on social media, which continues to be an important channel of communication.'
If you think that's an apology, you're an idiot.


  1. I would think that it was fair comment that the guy bought himself a supercar and doesn't have the skill to drive it. I think that he would be fair game for piss taking on a personal FB or Twitter account. But it is highly unprofessional for it to be done on an official police account.

  2. "But it is highly unprofessional for it to be done on an official police account."

    Sadly, most police official Twitter accounts fall foul of the 'I want to be down wiv da kidz' eventually...
