Sunday 16 August 2020

It's Certainly Good Camouflage...


...if you think those are stripes!


  1. It did not want to be recognised, so it wore sunglasses.

  2. Humm, there is nothing to give the size of the cat but using the dry grass it appears to be gust a large domestic cat - we have a couple of them in the village and they have given a few of the dogs a run for their money.

    Apart from not seeing stripes I think the photographer was seeing what he thought he saw rather that what he actually did.

    BTW it is possible for camera phones to enlarge what is the focus of the picture.

  3. He'll be sighting the greater spotted zebra next.

  4. It's a Savannah cat, a newish domestic hydrid created from Servals (yes, those wild cats in Africa) and selected moggies. They cost a bomb, the F1 versions require (or used to) a licence from the LA and evidence of suitable 'containment' F2 onwards can be kept just as one keeps a normal moggy.

    They are quite big, but you'd have to be a bit hysterical to be scared of one.

  5. "BTW it is possible for camera phones to enlarge what is the focus of the picture."

    If you understand the instruction, maybe... ;)

    "They are quite big, but you'd have to be a bit hysterical to be scared of one."

    My Bengal is a pretty gefty beast, but easily distracted by the offer of Dreamies...
