Wednesday 19 August 2020

Oh, Beautiful!

'You get people like this – they're vermin.'

Yes, they are. And to see one get a taste of his own medicine is sweet indeed! 

Neighbours said the address where the tyres were dumped was the home of local man Matthew Worrall Parkyn.
When MailOnline tried to speak to him today a woman answered the door saying she was his ex and he no longer lived there.


A council investigation has been launched.
According to the commons library, the penalty for fly tipping can be a fine of up to £50,000 and up to 12 months imprisonment if convicted in a Magistrates' Court.

Why am I wondering if the investigation is into the flytipper, who's done a runner, or the businessman who took matters into his own hands? 

Update: It's catching on!


  1. I also note the many grammatical errors and usual meticulous mail fact checked before prinf
    I wish I had a "terraced" house like that !

  2. The arrogant selfishness of fly tippers is fostered by some local council Jobsworths who have done everything possible to convert lawful tipping into a nightmarish, bureaucratic obstacle course. Kirklees Jobsworths have really gone OTT in devising requirements (deterrents) for residents' tipping permits.

    Fair retribution would reserve a few loads for town hall steps.

  3. It is strange to find myself in full agreement with MTG. Our local waste disposal sites are not too bad as long as you show willing about sticking everything in the correct skip. But if your local council is making it difficult to dispose of your rubbish correctly, then it is no surprise that fly tipping is the result. I would suggest that in front of the responsible council offices would be the best place.

  4. @ Stonyground.

    'Full agreement' is pointless to the extent of derailing debate.

    Don't embarrass me with unctuous nods, old chap. I much prefer a robust, personal attack.

  5. "I wish I had a "terraced" house like that !"

    Hey, it IS the 'Mail'..!

    "But if your local council is making it difficult to dispose of your rubbish correctly, then it is no surprise that fly tipping is the result."

    We're very lucky, the local tip is staffed by helpful people. Never had a bad experience there.
