Thursday 6 August 2020

"“One does get the feeling that this was not a particularly well-run premises in terms of its licence.”"

You can say that again!
The Wimpy in Station Road, Portslade, could lose its licence after Sussex Police discovered faulty CCTV and dozens of empty vodka bottles when they were called to the sexual assault in March this year.
Subsequent investigations revealed two members of staff were working illegally and the owner had failed to disclose a drink-driving conviction.
Shop manager Peraslingam Nanthvavaraman, 40, of Sheppard Way, Portslade, overstayed a visitor’s visa in 2010 and is awaiting sentencing after pleading guilty to the attempted rape charge.
Mr Savill said the premises licence holder Kapilraj Vigneswaran had also failed to disclose a conviction for drink-driving.
Ah, well, at least they are providing spelling practice for court stenographers...
Conservative councillor Dee Simson was frustrated Mr Vigneswaran did not attend as many of her questions required his knowledge.
She said: “Part of our responsibility as a panel is to question the knowledge of the premises licence holder and DPS.
Not having them here makes it really difficult.
“We need to ascertain their knowledge of the licensing act.”
I think we can take a guess at that, can't we?


  1. Standard council administrative behaviour when dealing with ethnic minorities - ignore all the red flags, never ask any questions, and wait until the activity becomes so flagrantly criminal that the police get involved, and everyone has to pretend that they are 'shocked' at what has been going on............

  2. WTF does a Wimpy Bar need an alcohol licence for, anyway? Wimpy and a glass of Beaujolais?

    I remember the first Wimpy I ever tasted, in a Lyons Corner House in Oxford Circus. We didn't have burgers back then in the 50s. It was truly delicious - cooked in front of you, and just the meat in a toasted bun, none of the extras you'd get now.

    Anyone remember the Bender? A frankfurter curled into a round with slits in its side, with the hole in the middle filled with a half tomato and some Branston pickle - again in a toasted bun? That was before the name was taken over, of course.

    And rape? WTF is that man doing with his dick out in a dining establishment? Avoid the mayo!

    1. One of my favourite memories is of being an early teenager in an imitation Wimpy Bar eating burgers and chips, with me mates on a dark wet weekday evening, bliss.

    2. Missed your penultimate paragraph re taking over 'bender', it was us done that 1970's.

  3. "....Dee Simson was frustrated Mr Vignaswaran did not attend.....".
    No attendance, shut the place down till he decides to attend the next meeting. Immediately deport the visa overstayer, refusing to accept his sudden claim for asylum as he failed to do that while staying here unlawfully.
    Unfortunately, we are governed, locally, as well as nationally, by SJW nincompoops who only pretend to listen to the taxpayers when they seek election.

  4. "...and everyone has to pretend that they are 'shocked' at what has been going on...."

    'And the Oscar goes to...'

    "WTF does a Wimpy Bar need an alcohol licence for, anyway?"

    It's been so long since I was in one I really couldn't say! I do remember the Bender. And the Brown Derby.

    I was always partial to a Quarter Pounder because - daringly! - they used brown buns...

    "No attendance, shut the place down till he decides to attend the next meeting."

    Oh, if only...

    "One of my favourite memories is of being an early teenager in an imitation Wimpy Bar ..."

    An imitation one..?!?
