Tuesday 25 August 2020

Well, The Airline Will Be Happy...

Immigration detainees set to be deported to Europe have gone on hunger strike, the Home Office has said.
After all, they'll be lighter which will save on fuel, and less likely to have the strength to act up to get themselves taken off the plane. 

It's win/win!
Detainee support group Detention Action said it understood two deportation flights bound for France, Germany and Spain are set to go ahead this week.
Under the EU’s Dublin regulation, the UK can deport asylum seekers to the first EU country in which they arrived.

Which is only useful if you also then have a plan to stop them hopping on the first dinghy back to Dover, but still, baby steps...

Of course, the quislings are outraged. And doing their best to drum up sympathy.  

Website Detained Voices published two statements by people claiming to be refugees from war-torn Yemen now participating in the Brook House hunger strike.
One detainee, who claimed they had fled Yemen because they were tortured by rebel Houthi forces, said they would prefer to die in the UK than allow themselves to be deported to Spain.

Why? If you genuinely want to be 'safe from torture', what's wrong with Spain?  

The other detainee said they had come to the UK on a boat from Calais and will now be sent to Germany, where they previously had asylum applications rejected.

Ah. See? They come here because we are seen as a soft touch.  

Detention Action director Bella Sankey said the Home Office should not be deporting detainees to countries with rising coronavirus infection rates.
“These are people who have fled their countries and moved through EU countries to the UK because they feel safe in the UK.”

Thanks to quislings like you, Bella. It's about time the Home Office started to look at charging your organisation with aiding and abetting.  


  1. Yep, exactly this. Personally, I feel that HMRC are out of control thugs but I'm betting if I formed a group designed to help people fiddle their taxes, .gov.uk wouldn't quite be as friendly as they seem to be with these guys.

  2. Crikey. Here I am again...trespassing on moral high-ground with consecutive posts.

    Our own culture has made us what we are. Show me a white person who claims to harbour no ethnic prejudice and I will show you a liar. Forcing myself to act as fairly as possible towards other ethnicities, is the best I ever achieve. In doing this I overwrite the formative programming of my Enid Blyton years.

    Last Summer, Mo was 'looking for casual gardening work' when he introduced himself to me and I set him on. It led to some understanding of his immigrant perspective. The smart ones take risks to arrive here in order to enjoy a much better lifestyle, combined with comparatively higher levels of safety and security. In the few years he has been here, Mo has mastered the language and moved up the housing ladder. From the worst, damp, Kirklees multi storey rathole...to a very decent tenement. He has opened a bank account and has a reasonable income based upon Universal Credit, private dealing and the 'black' economy (oh dear).

    He claims to regularly send money back home to poor relatives and dependents. There is no doubt that his combined incomes involve some deception of the State but in other regards, I found Mo to be honest and reliable. Although I haven't engaged him this year, he is a far better worker than many of our layabouts who are similarly exploiting the system in a white skin and are often far less honest.

    You highlight a real problem for which there needs to be a practical solution. Oh, look...you haven't told us about your final solution, JuliaM. Forearm tattoos or Naval gunboats shelling any dinghy drifting within the obsolete three-mile limit?

  3. If they are thinner then more of them can fit on the plane

  4. Just popping in whilst on my break. Readers will no doubt be unsurprised that Detention Action and the anti British, pro-migrant and pro-Islam 'community umbrella' organisation Citizens UK, both share funders in the form of the Esmee Fairburn Foundation. This funding trust, if I recall correctly was founded by a major player in the investments industry in memory of the founder's wife and 'aimed to promote a greater understanding of economic and financial issues through education.' With the obsession that this Trust has for funding open borders groups like Citizens UK an Detention Action, it seems that this Trust has long since departed from its original aim and is now contributing, by it's funding of anti British and open borders groups, to many of the problems that Britain has today.

    See links below

    Esme Fairburn Foundation https://esmeefairbairn.org.uk/our-history

    Detention Action funders (note also the Joseph Rowntree Trust who are consistent funders of Lefty groups)


  5. "Naval gunboats shelling any dinghy drifting within the obsolete three-mile limit?"

    Why not?

  6. To save the poor souls having to risk their lives so they can come and work for Emptygee (does he pay his workers cash in hand, in this economy of colour?) we should just employ them in the country they come from.
    Win win.They get money and can live with their families that they abandoned to the dangers they escaped from, and we get a feel good feeling and maybe some cheap goods.
    Their economy prospers and their living conditions improve.

  7. So, MTG1's friend Mo is:

    - here illegally (presumably, given that he's being used as an example in the first place)
    - living on a mix of our taxes (in the form of Universal Credit) and shady dealing
    - occupying a very decent tenement that's part of our overstressed housing stock
    - sending money (our taxes, again) to family back home

    This country is safe and prosperous in part because we are by and large respectful of the rule of law here. We - by and large; yes there are exceptions - pay our taxes, call the police (rather than a bunch of our mates) to deal with wrongdoing, and so forth. Having Mo (Mohammed, I'm guessing?) here clearly dilutes that, making this country a little bit more like wherever he came from.

    As for naval gunfire - actually that is what the Navy is for: to enforce the nation's decisions, generally as a last resort where all other options have failed. So, MTG 1, what is your option? What practical solution to this 'real problem' are you offering, since from the way you put it you don't support that one? (I don't like it either, by the way)

  8. Melvin just criticises. He never gives solutions. In English or Latin.

  9. A public service that stands by to watch youngsters drown in a boating lake no deeper than three feet...because 'there' Health and Safety rules forbid entry into water, has no business lecturing anyone on "solutions", WC Jaded.

    My detailed views on channel policy will not interest you and carry no weight in any event. But let us consider an easier scenario for you; one which also encompasses our different values, dear. In a major building fire, I envisage you locking the internal fire doors on your side to prevent the fire becoming a threat to you. Saving your own worthless hide would never be more important. But there are sure to be other Brits on hand who would immediately counteract your cowardice. I reserve my explanations and respect to such folk.

  10. "...gov.uk wouldn't quite be as friendly as they seem to be with these guys."

    Oh, I think that's a given!

    "Show me a white person who claims to harbour no ethnic prejudice and I will show you a liar."

    You could have just written 'person' there. Or are you one of those challenged thinkers who believe it's only ever one way?

    "There is no doubt that his combined incomes involve some deception of the State but in other regards, I found Mo to be honest and reliable."

    Deception that you're in collusion with...

    "If they are thinner then more of them can fit on the plane"


    "..it seems that this Trust has long since departed from its original aim.."

    Another Common Purpose infiltration and takeover?

  11. "...we should just employ them in the country they come from."

    As what?

    "My detailed views on channel policy will not interest you and carry no weight in any event."

    Well, that's true. But you really shouldn't limit it.

  12. "You could have just written 'person' there. Or are you one of those challenged thinkers who believe it's only ever one way?"

    You probably have friends in white skins who wished they were black. Oh, you don't know of a single person on the planet who would do the swap? Don't work too hard at this, JuliaM.


  13. 'But you really shouldn't limit it.'

    Do feel free to include yourself on the list, JuliaM. I confess to caring little for it but I never entertained the notion of you as an original thinker. Practically all that appears here is 'cut and paste'. A literary distinction with all the credentials of Dodger's mentor and fence.
