Monday 17 August 2020

Worse Than Useless...

A 'devil' dog who mauled a miniature pinscher to death in London attacked a woman as she walked her border cross terrier three weeks earlier, it was claimed tonight.
The victim, known only as Zoe, 44, claims she was left with 'a hole in her arm' after she tried to separate the leadless bullmastiff from her pet Sid at around 8.30pm on July 16.
She believes the 'devil' dog is the same animal which attacked Renata Aladenika's miniature pinscher Rocco in Woolwich Common on Sunday.

What are the odds? How many of these things can there be in the area? 

Zoe said the attack took place near Woolwich Common in south London - and despite calling police she claims no action was taken against the owner.

Hardly surprising. They almost never do, until it comes around to bite them on the arse... 

Speaking of the incident on Sunday, Metropolitan Police said: 'There have been no arrests and enquiries continue.'
The force has been contacted for comment on the further claims.

Probably trying to figure out how to apologise to the owner of the beast for 'profiling' her... 

Update: The 'Mail' did the detective work the Met Police were too lazy to do in tracking down the bitch. And whaddaya know:

The owner of a 'devil dog' who mauled a miniature pinscher to death is a senior manager at a government youth offending unit, MailOnline can reveal.
She declined to comment when approached by MailOnline.
I just bet she did...


  1. Well, it's not as if the police are good for nothing, JuliaM.

    Let us not overlook 'there' limited ability to comment on blogs and collect takeaways.

  2. If it had mauled a police dog being exercised, I suspect we'd have seen a far more robust response...
