Wednesday 30 September 2020

Brighton Should Twin With Berkeley, California...

The University of Brighton has appointed its first ever “activists in residence”.

Oh, really? Who are they? 

Shona Raine and Ven Paldano...

Nicely 'diverse'. So, how much is this grant? 


And what's it for


Let me read that again...

...the Queer Trans Intersex People of Colour (QTIPoC) Narratives Collective Brighton.

*laughs hysterically* 


  1. Who us paying for this pointless shit? Oh that's right, we are through our taxes.

    My wife and I were talking the other night about education. She comes from a long line of women and men who have attended university. However she is now unsure, because of the takeover of our higher educational institutions by the far Left, whether she really would want our son to go to university.

    Far better she opined for our son to learn a trade or even go into that most stereotypical of Jewish trades, tailoring, than suffer the horrendous and damaging propaganda that is being pumped out in our universities. The fact that she could even think this, with her background and family history, tells me much about how piss poor and worthless our universities have become.

  2. You have to read that article more than once to realise it isn't a joke.

  3. £2000 will not buy enough skunk to support these loonies in their fantasies.

  4. Crikey, this window dressing has to be the new standard in public queerity. Can't wait for PC's Sub and Dom of the police federation responding with a 'More Sissy Than You Are'.

  5. @ 211

    There was a time when students were smart to earn university places...and hard-working to keep them!

    Bright parents see a serious decline in higher education and its useless paper certificates. A University not too far from me, is offering a degree course in welcoming aliens to Earth...only beaming warning signals to anyone with an ounce of sense to avoid the debt and get the hell out. Leaving school to enter a building trade has never been a better option for an ambitious youngster with an eye on his own private company.

  6. Anon 10:37 Sadly, based on what I've seen and heard recently, any BDSM Police officers would be submissive at the police station when confronted with a diversity officer and extremely dominant and violent with members of the public outside the police station.

  7. Completely agree with all the above, re the decline in educational standards. However, I can't help but think they've played a blinder.

    £2k for a one stop, covers-all-bases get out of jail free for any accusations of Transphobia etc. Just blandly reply that all minorities are supported and refer to the QwertyPoc team

  8. MTG1. Are you really serious? A degree course in welcoming space aliens to Earth? That's not only mental, that's useless and mental. It does indeed flag up to those who want to succeed in life that maybe a degree has been hopelessly devalued. With courses like that it looks like we shall nurture Laughing Boy's already natural instincts for seeing how clothes are constructed and send him to tailoring school. After all, people may not want to employ those with degrees in welcoming space aliens, but they will always need coats and other clothing.

  9. Justin,

    You beat me to it. That's cheap for a Get Out of Jail card.

  10. "indigenous gender fluidity" sounds rather intimate (as in intimate hygiene).

  11. @ 211

    'Are you really serious?' Indeed. The number of worse than useless degrees is now a National scandal. I despair that students are no longer trained to think in an improved class; to dissect and challenge concepts and improve the stock of knowledge. I first noticed this decline some 40 years ago whilst drawing up shortlists of candidates with 1st degrees. It was disheartening to process job applications which almost flaunted an unacceptable standard of English. On interview, some applicants were a very pale shadow of the person their CV portrayed.

    But it is pointless to despair and's no longer my problem.

  12. "Oh that's right, we are through our taxes."

    This is a consequence of Labour's 'everyone deserves to go to university' policy. It's going to cost us billions in the long run.

    "A University not too far from me, is offering a degree course in welcoming aliens to Earth..."

    I wish I believed you were joking...
