Friday 18 September 2020

It's Hard To Sum Up How Little I Care...

BBC Newsnight went an entire week without featuring a single live interview with a guest from a minority ethnic background, according to an analysis of national media output.

Cheers, Joey! 

Who wasted my precious time with this 'news'..?

...according to a survey conducted by the Women in Journalism group...


Some media groups, reluctant to comment publicly, acknowledged failings but pushed back on the report’s methodology, saying the survey only took into account print newspaper front pages rather than websites, and was selective in its analysis of the television and radio schedules. Women in Journalism said it was restricted in its media monitoring ability due to the limited funding available for such projects.

I'm astounded anyone wasted money on this worthless 'research'... 


  1. There's always money to be found for worthless biased left wing 'research'. Sometimes this money is extorted from the taxpayer directly by government grants to dubious left wing entities or via the universities who would never dream of funding any research that might disagree with their narratives. Money also comes from wealthy grant making trusts, many of which have over time been captured by the Left and no longer fund or are even interested in the genuinely good works that they were set up to support.

  2. Women in Journalism?
    Surely they have not rejected the other 57 varieties of gender?
    Tut, tut.

  3. There's one or more dark keys on every advert ...

  4. Even though I am forced on pain of imprisonment to support the BBC I long ago gave up watching Newsnight. The very name is a joke as indeed is more and more of the BBCs woke agenda Leftie output. The sooner they are unable to plunder my bank and forced to work in the real world the better.

  5. "Women in Journalism said it was restricted in its media monitoring ability due to the limited funding available for such projects."

    I think I can see where they're going with this......

  6. I don't see how this is possible, given every other person in the country is mixed race according to all the telly dramas and and adverts.

  7. "Money also comes from wealthy grant making trusts, many of which have over time been captured by the Left ..."

    It's that 'long march through the institutions' again...

    "Surely they have not rejected the other 57 varieties of gender?"


    "Even though I am forced on pain of imprisonment to support the BBC..."

    Wouldn't be for much longer, if we only had a real Conservative government.

    "I don't see how this is possible, given every other person in the country is mixed race according to all the telly dramas and and adverts."

    Spot on!
