Tuesday 8 September 2020

Life Must Be Absolutely Exhausting For People Like Sandi Toksvig...

Isn’t another bugbear of yours that older women get ignored in restaurants?
Yes, it doesn’t matter how famous you are. Sheila Hancock and I once nearly starved to death in a west London restaurant. It’s part of the invisibility of women in the public sphere. There are micro-aggressions like that but there’s also micro-homophobia. If my wife and I go out to dinner, inevitably someone will come over and say: “What are you two girls doing on your own?
Most people would say 'Well, that's shit service, won't come here again' and 'Oh, he's just engaging us in a conversational gambit'...

But no. It's all another sign, to people like her, that the whole world hates and fears her. And is conspiring to make her miserable. 


  1. Well Bake Off is back in a few weeks so it's "write attention seeking bollocks in The Guardian" time for any publicity she can get.

  2. I think her immiseration was complete a long time ago. Maintain it, maybe.

  3. Having experienced similar $*&t service in a number of "establishments" (and that is being more than a little polite) from a cafe in Llandudno that took over an hour to even discuss why I had not received my meal (probably being English?) to a rather swish joint in Essex that served the meal without any cutlery (there's a joke in there I'll bet). It has little to do with age/gender or much else other than the establishment has a death wish. Sorry Ms Toksvig, it happens to we peasants as well.

  4. I never really liked xjer, couldn't stand xjer voice. Xje sounded like a constipated sow. Awful creature.

  5. "What are you two girls doing on your own?"
    Methinks the lady doth protest too much.
    Perhaps the obese dwarf is upset that no one recognised her as a tv personality(?) who happens to be a (much publicised) lesbian? Could it be the lack of recognition that she's upset about? As far as being ignored and "nearly starving to death" is concerned, I am sure that, as she self identifies as a comedian, she could come up with a few witty bon mots to the staff which would leave the rest of the restaurant in stitches. On the other hand, she could always go to Greggs, even though she looks like she's been there too many times already.

  6. This absolutely ghastly!

    I mean to say!

    Several years ago, my firm in Lewes booked a large table in 'Browns' in Eastbourne, for a friendly management meeting with our wives. All went well until we realised that all the staff were faffing and fawning over some tennis player - I think her name was Martina Nottonightsweetie or similar, (it was Queenrs Week) and we never got a look in, despite the fact that we were going to be kicking in a bill of around a grand...

    We never got a pud or a Remy as we had to get back for the babysitters!

    Blasted tennis eh! You can't even bang a ball into a linesman without losing a few mill!

  7. 'Yes, it doesn’t matter how famous you are’

    But does it matter how far up yourself you are?

  8. Michael, there is a joke. Jewish man goes to restaurant, orders soup. Soup is brought to the table and he asks the waiter to taste his soup. Please taste the soup, is there something wrong with the soup, just please taste it. This goes on back and forth, ok ok i,ll taste the soup! Where,s the spoon? The jewish man says ahaa! Ahaa!

  9. Sheila Handcock would be starting to worry.
    I see it as an old Loony Tunes cartoon with Sheila morphing into a big dressed roast turkey in Sandi's vision.
    Then the eating irons clutched tightly and a little stream of drool running down her chin.

  10. Michael, not the eminent sapphist Naffratallover, friend of fellow rug connoisseur Jelly Bean King? There seem to be so many of these ladies the Well of Loneliness must be as congested as the last dry watering hole in a Serengeti summer. Perhaps there's a rota. Strange what questions present themselves when one starts thinking about things.

  11. "Well Bake Off is back in a few weeks..."

    Thank god for Netflix! Well, the bits of it that aren't normalising child pornography, anyway...

    "Sorry Ms Toksvig, it happens to we peasants as well."

    You mean, she isn't special? *shocked face*

  12. " On the other hand, she could always go to Greggs, even though she looks like she's been there too many times already."

    Ouch! 😂

    "Blasted tennis eh! You can't even bang a ball into a linesman without losing a few mill!"


    "Michael, there is a joke. "

    I'm intrigued as to the identification of the Essex eatery, myself!
