Thursday 3 September 2020

The Most 'Incomprehensible' Thing About This... that we will now feed, clothe and tend them for the duration of their sentence:
Police who arrived at the scene reported seeing one of the pair 'using the sword in sawing motion to the neck area of the deceased as if trying to detach the head from the body'.
Mr Makepeace said Earnshaw was Tasered twice before he was arrested and officers used an incapacitant spray on the boy.

Both should have been shot dead at the scene, like the worthless animals they are... 

Judge the Honourable Mr Justice Lavender told them: 'You were both highly intoxicated when you used a samurai sword to inflict wounds on Robert Wilson, who had done no wrong.
'You each consumed a great deal of alcohol and drugs.
'You used the sword in repeated attempts to cut off his head.
'The two of you went back to him several times, not only stabbing him but kicking him and stamping on his head.
'You passed the sword between you, continuing to stab Mr Wilson as he lay dying.
'This frenzied and senseless attack on a man who was quite unable to defend himself went on for ten minutes.
'You only stopped when police arrived.
'I have watched the recording and it's a truly gruesome sight.'

Not as gruesome as the sight of these creatures still alive and untroubled by the hangman... 


  1. If the old Homicide Act had still been in force and we'd had capital punishment then only one of these scumbags would have been hanged, the older one. Whilst the minimum terms given in this case are indeed a protection for the public, the lesser sentence one the younger scumbag, despite him being an encourager of excessive violence is too lenient. He should have got a greater minimum than 16 years, maybe the same as the older scumbag.

  2. "Both should have been shot dead at the scene, like the worthless animals they are..."

    Murder by 2 drug-crazed teens. Something must be done, immediately! I know, let's lose our own heads and issue sub-machine guns with 'oops' triggers, to every stupid plod. And a rope reserved for those frequent occasions when they haven't hit anything but run out of ammo?

  3. They look rather intelligent from their photos - not. I rather suspect that we'd have been paying via 'benefits' to keep these scumbags alive whether in or out of prison. Not only is hanging right and just, it's a bloody sight cheaper. Personally, I think that the fairer punishment would be to give the sword to the widow, and let her hack the two assailants to death.

    Given that we have homegrown human shite like this, then why is it necessary to import more from the 3rd world?

    I expect that our plod have a big problem in that taking the knee to these white scum would be waaaaycist!

  4. After we have paid out for a lawyer to prepare and submit an appeal for these two it's quite likely their sentences will be reduced. They will then be released much earlier so they can resume their murdering and drug taking.

  5. Sounds like Melvin is inviting his fellow Huddersfieldites to move in next door when they finish their paltry sentences.
    Lock up that lawnmower when they do old chap.

  6. Decent defence lawyers must have regarded your written evidence as gifts, WC Jaded. Abysmal construction, spelling, grammar and content must have fostered smiles on 'there' hard-to-please faces. And failing to check your 'facts' was always the lawyers' bonus.

    Both drug addicts originate from Batley, West Yorkshire. Prior to the murder, Gaukroger had already moved to Golcar. The pair are not from Huddersfield and 'Huddersfieldites' is yet more inane presentation from a small and confused mind.

    In order to appear 'educatid' rather than make public declarations of your ignorance, you could start to exercise the disciplines of reading thoroughly and responding carefully.

  7. "....only one of these scumbags would have been hanged, the older one. "

    I'll still take it! One down, and all that.

    "I know, let's lose our own heads and issue sub-machine guns with 'oops' triggers, to every stupid plod."


    " I rather suspect that we'd have been paying via 'benefits' to keep these scumbags alive whether in or out of prison."

    I fear you're almost certainly correct.

  8. Playing the man and not the ball again Melvin. Correcting grammar in your usual pompous way without answering my points.
    I don't really care where they are from. One Yorkshire crap-hole is very much like another to me.
