Tuesday 15 September 2020

Try This In Kenosha, Chum...

The two civil enforcement officers had issued a ticket on a vehicle which was parked dangerously on double yellow lines outside Purfleet Primary School during the morning rush. Rodall Misuri, who’s partner owned the car, threated (sic) the officers as they went to issue the ticket before attacking them.
He punched one of the victims, then knocked him to floor causing him to hit his head. He then continued to attack him while he was on the floor, stamping on his head and punching him.
Members of the public stepped in to try and stop the assault but Misuri struck another of the officers, punching him unconscious.

Where's Kyle Rittenhouse when you need him? 

Misuri was then restrained again by members of the public before eventually driving away from the scene.

People who are properly 'restrained' aren't able to flee the scene of the crime, are they? 

Misuri, 31, of Fothergill Close, London E13 was arrested the following day and charged with causing grievous and actual bodily harm with intent and criminal damage.
At Basildon Crown Court on Monday he admitted the charges and was jailed for a total of two years and four months.

Bet he won't serve more than half of that... 


  1. You missed a “who’s/whose” too!

  2. Violence rarely solves anything but the urge must always be controlled...even when taunted by the worst 'gotcha' mentality. There is probably an element of the latter in all such confrontations with uniformed cockroaches.

  3. The assaults occurred in November 2018: the thug was arrested/charged the following day and then there's a delay of 21 months (why? it's an open and shut case even if it was transferred to the Crown Court ) until he's sentenced to a derisory 28 months (as you say - in reality 14 months). The article doesn't say but, had he been held on remand since the offences, he's already out and about.

  4. I'm colour blind, but with hair in tight curls, a sqat nose and fat lips, he's certainly a person of no description.

    Personally, I think that apes should be left in the wild in Africa - but that's another topic, isn't it?

  5. Poor lamb he was just too highly strung, but not to worry he will be back on the street assaulting people in no time with our soft sentences. Even sooner if he is lucky and his publicly funded legal aid lawyer manages to mount a successful appeal for him at our expense.

  6. Bollocks Melv, violence properly directed solves problems like this in no time flat! If someone, instead of sitting about recording this crap on their cell phones, had bent a crowbar over this nogs skull, he would have stopped his assault and perhaps only lightly injured one person. Either we outnumber this shit ten to one and remind them of this occasionally, or we surrender to this @planet of the apes' future.

  7. We need deterrent sentences. Fifteen years would be about right. And serving every single day.

  8. "You missed a “who’s/whose” too!"


    "The article doesn't say but, had he been held on remand since the offences, he's already out and about."

    Once upon a time, we had things called 'reporters' who'd have noticed that...

    "...violence properly directed solves problems like this in no time flat!"

    If only we were all equipped for it.
