Thursday 24 September 2020

Unsurprisingly, The Answer Was 'You Must Be Joking, Right?'...

Wednesday’s demonstrations come in response to the long-awaited decision by a grand jury about whether the officers involved in the death of Taylor, who was shot in her apartment in Lousiville on 13 March by white police officers who were serving a so-called “no-knock” warrant”, would be punished.
I mean, was it ever in doubt that police who were fired upon by a man they were trying to arrest were entitled to return fire?
Ben Crump, a lawyer for Taylor’s family, denounced the decision as “outrageous and offensive”, and protesters shouting, “No justice, no peace!” immediately took to the streets following the news.

So in protesting the accidental (but fairly unsurprising) death of a woman who chose poorly when looking for someone to shack up with, of course the professional agitators decide to riot and shoot police officers. 

Everyone knows that makes things better, right?  

Biden and his running mate, Kamala Harris, also called for police reforms in the wake of Wednesday’s decision, saying the country should start by addressing excessive force, banning chokeholds and overhauling no-knock warrants.

Well, there you have it. The way to prevent black criminals from dying at the hands of the police (which is all these people care about, the fact they die at a far greater rate at the hands of their fellow criminals isn't worth mentioning) is to give up on fighting crime. What a vote winner! 


  1. Everyone is entitled to 'there' view on the future of policing, JuliaM. That right extends to the most warped and irrational examples.

  2. The police were not fired on by a man they were trying to arrest. The man whom they were trying to arrest was the dead woman's EX boyfriend. The man who fired (a legally owned and registered weapon) was her current boyfriend who was not wanted.

  3. With criminals and potential presidents like that it's no wonder the American people refuse to even consider giving up their guns.

  4. There is so much background to this that we aren't being told - I would go as far as saying there is a cover up by the MSM in the US. Not wishing to cast aspersions on the woman but it has been mentioned that she was the bag carrier for the local drug lords, NOT the innocent that the media portrays.

  5. The Grand Jury ascertained that the Warrant was NOT a "No-Knock" warrant and a witness testified that the Police did knock and demand entrance before the first shots were fired, from inside the apartment.

  6. There is so much conflicting info here but the facts point to a new theory.

    Plod knocked and this was admitted by the boyfriend.
    She was a suspected drug dealer that they were gathering information on and it was her that fired the shots. Plod fired back. Plod fire at where the shots are coming from. She got hit multiple times and died while her boyfriend is still here.

    Another example of rioting over a bad un.

  7. The account of a killing that becomes more tangled as different suppositions get donated. That cops are liars and masters of deceit and cover-ups, is usually as much as any of us can know for sure.

  8. "Everyone is entitled to 'there' view on the future of policing, JuliaM."

    How kind of you to give your permission, Melv... 🤨

    "The man who fired (a legally owned and registered weapon) was her current boyfriend who was not wanted."

    It's curious that with all the surveillance they seem to have undertaken, they weren't certain of who was where...

    "'s no wonder the American people refuse to even consider giving up their guns."

    If I lived there, it'd be my first purchase!

    "Not wishing to cast aspersions on the woman but it has been mentioned that she was the bag carrier for the local drug lords, NOT the innocent that the media portrays."

    There's plenty of evidence that she was no angel. It's what I always say, lie down with dogs, expect to need calamine lotion.

  9. "The Grand Jury ascertained that the Warrant was NOT a "No-Knock" warrant .."

    Well, it was, but it's just that the police decided not to use it as such. They could have, legally.

    "Another example of rioting over a bad un."

    And yet another example of the left-wing media refusing to face facts.

    "That cops are liars and masters of deceit and cover-ups, is usually as much as any of us can know for sure."

    Given how often they unravel when tried, it's hard to see how they can be acclaimed 'masters'... 😕
