Sunday 4 October 2020

Another Reason Not To Take Government Advice...

"Well, you see, officer, I ran into that car because I can't see where I'm driving when I look out of the driver's side window..."


  1. Officer, I was staring at the speedo to make sure that I didn't exceed the speed limit by even 1 mph ...

  2. Where did this piece of rampant stupidity come from? Is it from an official government source, or is it some government employee speaking out of turn soon to be followed by frantic back pedalling?

  3. @ Anon 10:03

    You make a good point which I trust is not going unnoticed by the Department for Transport. The new preoccupation with our speedometers has created unnecessary hazards and risks...thanks to Mr Plod's manic drive to mug honest motorists under 'there' banner of road safety. I've had a couple of near-misses as a result of spending a high proportion of driving time staring at the speedometer. Alternatively, WC Jaded's death curse is accompanying me!

    Take government advice? Many of us are becoming more inclined to do the very opposite.

  4. Serious question: do bureaucrats have functioning brains?

  5. @MTG 1

    It was said in jest, but meant in earnest.

  6. May we close the car windows when it's raining? 'Cos any fule noes the virus doesn't like wet weather.
    And what about when driving through some areas, like Dalston or Brixton? Open windows would be a very bad idea there - lock your doors and don't stop is the usual rule.

  7. From what I can see most of the Corona-bollocks that we are being subjected to such as rule of six, masks, 2 metre rule and the idea of lockdowns themselves, seem to have been plucked by Boris Johnson from his own rectum rather than being based on any solid unchallengeable science.

  8. But driving with the windows open increases aerodynamic drag, which therefore means extra fuel consumption and (CO2) emissions. So if Covid doesn't kill us, Globull Warming will do instead!

  9. "Where did this piece of rampant stupidity come from? Is it from an official government source..."

    Would you be surprised?

    "Serious question: do bureaucrats have functioning brains?"

    They probably start out that way. But, as their career progresses....

    "... seem to have been plucked by Boris Johnson from his own rectum..."

    You'd think he'd be too busy, wouldn't you?

    "But driving with the windows open increases aerodynamic drag..."

    Oooh, there's going to be a Whitehall bunfight when the Environment wonks discover that!
