Thursday 15 October 2020

Isn't This Soliciting?

An app allows users to record their interaction with police and securely store the footage using “military grade encryption”.
Should the user be arrested, they can immediately contact the Legal Lifelines team for advice.

Who have, coincidentally, produced the app! 

Mr Herford, 38, said: “We know that BAME people, as well as minority communities such as Travellers, are likely to experience disproportionately negative outcomes at work, or when engaging with the authorities.
“We aim to empower them with the knowledge they need to protect themselves by bringing them critical information on legal issues that affect them such as stop and search, county lines, human slavery and protest law.”

Oh, really? And here's me thinking you were just fishing for more trade... 

The collaborative effort will combine some of the most skilled lawyers in the country with the determined efforts of the charity and entertainment sectors to provide access to the best advice.

Oh, I always go to the entertainment sector for legal advice! Doesn't everyone? 


  1. "We know that BAME people, as well as minority communities such as Travellers, are likely to experience disproportionately negative outcomes at work, or when engaging with the authorities."

    Oh, we all know that do we. Well if this is actually true we will have the evidence to back this assertion up then. On the other hand we might end up with evidence to the contrary.

  2. This bit makes me think " criminal lawyer".

  3. But they don't mention that for the last 20 years all my community's contact with travellers has been totally negative and very expensive for the settled community.

  4. Anon @ 11.11 15 Oct.
    Don't you mean "legal aid funded lawyer"?

  5. "Well if this is actually true we will have the evidence to back this assertion up then."

    Don't be silly! This is 2020, what need have we for evidence..?

    "This bit makes me think " criminal lawyer"."

