Friday 2 October 2020

It's A Dirty Job, But....

...someone's gotta do it!

Environmental enforcement officers are speaking to a man suspected to have defecated on a city centre wall.
Brighton and Hove City Council received the man’s details after the incident in Frederick Gardens, Brighton, was captured on film last Tuesday.
An apology was later daubed on the wall in brown pen.

Are we sure it was brown pen? 


  1. Well, as a social comment on the council in Brighton, it's spot on!

  2. "Well, as a social comment on the council in Brighton, it's spot on!"

    You're not wrong... ;)

  3. It's now so common that we put it down to their 'daily public services' when officials defecate on citizens.

    Anyone having the temerity to film Messrs Plod & Jobsworth dumping in public, risks being bullied.
