Thursday 22 October 2020

Keep Clapping, Fools...

...while they show utter contempt for the people who pay to use their service and can't. Especially the people most in need of it.


  1. This is probably going to attract a buffoon from Huddersfield but here goes anyway.

    I retire from the Met next month and I am starting a new civilian role with a county force next May. The female Inspector in charge of my new department emailed me yesterday inviting me to attend my new station by appointment to have a look round and meet my new team. How considerate I thought.
    Her email ended with her full name and work address....then under that was the heading "pronoun"...followed by she/her.
    My heart sank.

  2. It's everywhere now Jaded, not just in academia and the public sector. I work for a software company and have noticed an increaing number of email signatures, and LinkedIn profiles, with their preferred pronouns stated. I fear it's going to get a lot worse before (if) it gets better.

    Good luck with the new role.

  3. They can take their pronouns and shove them where the sun seldom shines. I take great pleasure in calling people politely I might add, Miss or Madam..... as its usually women promoting this shit!

  4. People can address me using whichever pronoun they like, I'm really not that bothered.

  5. "My heart sank."

    Mine would too. But I fear that at this stage, it's expected. I've seen email signatures in my own workplace start to use them...

    "It's everywhere now Jaded, not just in academia and the public sector. "

    Can confirm, sadly.

    "People can address me using whichever pronoun they like, I'm really not that bothered."

    To them, people like you are the enemy. You'll be made to care.
