Sunday 25 October 2020

Never Forget The Awesome Responsibility Of Local Journalism...

...and how its brave reporters bring you all the most important local issues.


  1. Beach? More like mud flats.

    I hope the "journalist" is paid a multiple of however many (s)quid there are on the mud, i.e., 0.

  2. Still another 5 of the sick squid they owe me ...

  3. I think I will stick with the dish washer.

  4. Well at least it makes a change from the relentless stream of depressing s**t we get day after day on the news. Small wonder mental health issues are in the news with an endless message that the world will end soon around everywhere you look. Repent the end is neigh brethren, oh yeah and sisteren as well just to avoid the PC brigade.

  5. "I hope the "journalist" is paid a multiple of however many (s)quid there are on the mud, i.e., 0."


    "Well at least it makes a change from the relentless stream of depressing s**t we get day after day on the news."

    Well, yes, we should look on the bright side, I suppose...
