Wednesday 28 October 2020

Political Correctness Costs Lives...

Kyle Lawler, who was 18 at the time, was on duty when a colleague, Mohammed Agha, told him a member of the public had raised concerns about Abedi, who was hanging around outside the Arena at an Ariana Grande concert.
Mr Lawler said he was stood 10 or 15ft away from Abedi, who had been reported to security by a member of the public who thought he looked 'dodgy'.

Why did the other guard not act? Because he was 'guarding a fire door', apparently! 

Which is a shame, because - as a man of the same race as the terrorist - he surely wouldn't have been beset by the same doubts? 

The Showsec security guard, aged 18 at the time of the terror attack, told police in a statement read to the inquiry sitting in Manchester:
'I felt unsure about what to do.
'It's very difficult to define a terrorist. For all I knew he might well be an innocent Asian male.
'I did not want people to think I am stereotyping him because of his race. I was scared of being wrong and being branded a racist if I got it wrong and would have got into trouble.
'It made me hesitant.
'I wanted to get it right and not mess it up by over-reacting or judging someone by their race.'

Do you think, Reader, this will give any of the devotees of identity politics pause? Do you think anyone will stop and say 'Maybe pushing this agenda cost innocent concertgoers their lives?'..?

I wish I thought it would. 


  1. I feel really sorry for that young man.
    Sounds like no training, no guidance, no back-up, no monitoring, any comms?.
    Just him on his own.
    And now he is still very much on his own.
    Where are his employer, bosses, divergency officer, police?
    No doubt nobody is to blame and lessons will be learned.
    I hope he gets counselling.

  2. Maybe. Just as likely he was poorly trained and lazy. Couldn’t be bothered to check the guy out and is just using the racism as an excuse.

  3. It obviously does. IN my view, the proponents of 'no racial profiling' should be tried for multiple murders. And not just of whitey. Not searching black boys leads to the death of - wait for it - black boys.

    Incidentally, I found a music video on Youtube entitled 'the n!gga on the bus'. It has stolen a Beatles tune (who are they?). Frankly, the lyrics and the tune are wrong, it should be to 'The wheels on the bus', and have verses like:

    The *s on the bus are fare dodgers
    The *s on the bus are benefits cheats
    The *s on the bus are illegals
    The *s on the bus are carrying' knives

    and so on.

  4. They are looking for scapegoats. Anyone will do to distract from our pathetic immigration system and blaming a certain religion.

  5. Don't forget that blame is like water. It tends to seek the lowest possible level.

  6. "I feel really sorry for that young man.
    Sounds like no training, no guidance, no back-up, no monitoring, any comms?.
    Just him on his own."

    Apart from his Muslim colleague. The one 'too busy' guarding a fire door.

    "...the proponents of 'no racial profiling' should be tried for multiple murders...."

    It's certainly contributory negligence of a breadth that makes Grenfell Tower look like a small house fire isn't it?

    "Don't forget that blame is like water. It tends to seek the lowest possible level."

    Oh, absolutely!
