Saturday 10 October 2020

"Those that shout the loudest seldom have the support of the majority or their moral backing."

I think my love affair with Brexit may be over:
Lord Goldsmith, the Government's animal welfare minister and a close friend and political ally of Boris Johnson and his fiancee Carrie Symonds, is understood to be spearheading the move.
The Government is considering plans to prohibit the import of wild animal fur into the UK that would essentially forbid the sale of clothes containing fur in shops after the transition period.

We're really going to prevent free people from buying items of clothing that are sustainable and natural? This is what we voted for Brexit to accomplish? Really? 

Defra — the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs — is expected to publish a consultation paper after the transition period ends this year.
Leaked Defra documents seen by The Daily Telegraph showed Lord Goldsmith met with the executive director of anti-fur organisation, Humane Society International, on May 12 in which he asked if there were any particular areas, in relation to the fur trade, that the Government should research.

And why is the connection to Carrie Symonds a factor? Reader, I'm glad you asked...

Last year, Ms Symonds blasted people who wanted to buy fur as 'sick'. She has also campaigned against whaling, and reportedly swayed Mr Johnson in his decision to axe a proposed badger cull in Derbyshire.

Yes, it appears public policy is now decided on the autocratic whim of whoever Boris is doing at this particular moment.  


  1. But then we have Harry and Meghan where the male appears to be qwnt-struck. This is possibly a new trend.

    Oh, wait a minute, Trojan War anyone?

  2. Don't worry - Boris isn't going to be in number 10 for much longer.....

  3. Sorry - can’t take sides with people who skin animals alive.

  4. What Brexit has achieved is that the excuse "we have to do this because Europe" no longer applies. However Brexit was only the first step; now we can assign responsibility unequivocally, we need to pin down the politicians, or replace them.

  5. "Oh, wait a minute, Trojan War anyone?"

    But that horse was so pretty...!

    "Sorry - can’t take sides with people who skin animals alive."

    Which UK and EU animal welfare rules forbid. Leaving China to supply fur. Is that better?

    "However Brexit was only the first step..."

    Yes, true. But we do have a habit of resting on our laurels in this country...

  6. Well we know from this that Madame doesn't wear fur knickers, or is she just as hypocritical as the rest of them?

  7. Why do we have mink farms, where the animals are raised in perfect conditions and then humanely euthanised for their pelts?
    No different to the raising of chickens and turkeys for the table, is it? What about beef, pork, lamb and even eggs (embryonic chooks)?
