Friday 16 October 2020

Those Wheels Grinding Too Slowly Again...

A trial relating to the alleged non-recent sexual exploitation of children in Halifax has been delayed by a year.
Amjad Hussain, also known as Amjad Ditta, is among 16 men charged in relation to the alleged abuse of three teenage girls in Halifax between 2006 and 2009.

And why single him out? Well, he's... a police officer. 

His co-accused are:
Mohammed Vaqaas Abbas, 30, who denies three counts of rape and three of supplying a class C drug
Nadeem Adalat, 34, who has pleaded not guilty to four charges of rape and four of supply of a class C drug
Sajid Adalat, 44, who denies rape
Waseem Adalat, 33, who denies two counts of rape, as well as single counts of trafficking, supply of a class C drug and common assault
Christopher Eastwood, 45, who has pleaded not guilty to two counts of rape and two counts of supply of a class C drug
Mahtab Islam, 46, who denies six counts of rape, three of supplying a class A drug, three of supplying a class C drug, two of sexual assault and one of conspiracy to pervert the course of justice
Mohammed Rizwan Iqbal, 34, who denies a charge of rape
Ishtiaq Latif, 32, who has pleaded not guilty to sexual activity with a child
Asad Mahmood, 33, who denies two counts of rape, one of trafficking and one of common assault
Younis Mohammed, 34, who has pleaded not guilty to rape and causing a person to engage in sexual activity without consent
Shahzad Nowaz, 40, who has denied rape, supply of a class C drug and making threats to kill
Shazad Nazir, 44, who has pleaded not guilty to two counts of rape and two of supply of a class C drug
Sohail Zafar, 36, who has denied rape and supplying a class C drug
Nadeem Nassir, 39, who faces charges of rape, supplying a class C drug and making threats to kill
Khalifa Mughal, 36, who faces six counts of rape, as well as single counts of supply of a class C drug, supply of a class A drug and conspiracy to pervert the course of justice

 You have to wonder what Christopher's doing in that list, don't you?

The trial has been listed for October 4 next year.

Why so long? 

Ditta is on unconditional bail.

Favourable treatment? 

The 15 other defendants are on bail with conditions, including to live and sleep at their home address and inform police of any plans to travel outside the UK.

Yeah. I'm sure that'll happen... 


  1. Compare how these alleged beasts are treated and how those who point out the problems with Islamic sex crime are treated.

  2. Remember that they are innocent until proved guilty, and in the case of TR (for example) the wokery decided that a trial wasn't necessary to prove him guilty, he just was.

    As for Christopher Eastwood, there's no photo of him. Could it just be that he's using a culturally misappropriated name, and in fact he's of a coonish persuasion? And a muzzle-him coonish persuasion at that? Then he'd get double-good stay-out-of-the-limelight protection, wouldn't he? Just because he's got a human name doesn't mean that he is - after all, other animals get human names: Mickey, Tom, Jerry for two mice and a cat ... why shouldn't a monkey?

  3. "You have to wonder what Christopher's doing in that list, don't you?"
    Even pedo gangs have diversity hires...

  4. I hope it doesn't sound racist but there seems to be a strong positive correlation between muslims and rape in that long list of names. Perhaps rape is part of a muslim culture?

  5. We have a local plod called Washi Tagaki - but what's in a name?

  6. I seem to recall that there was a member of one rape gang who went by a Sikh name when he was no such thing, so rule nothing out.

  7. I wonder what the odds are of everyone on that list turning up for the trial or, if found guilty, of sentencing. Passports surrendered? Daily reporting to a Police station (if they can find one open)?

  8. "Compare how these alleged beasts are treated and how those who point out the problems with Islamic sex crime are treated."

    Oh, it's becoming obvious there's a two-tier system in this country, and has been for a while.

    "As for Christopher Eastwood, there's no photo of him. Could it just be that he's using a culturally misappropriated name...."

    Hmmm, never thought of that.

    "Even pedo gangs have diversity hires..."


    "I seem to recall that there was a member of one rape gang who went by a Sikh name when he was no such thing"

    Oh, I'd forgotten that!

    "I wonder what the odds are of everyone on that list turning up for the trial or, if found guilty, of sentencing."

    One hopes they've confiscated their passports...

    All of them, in all the names!
