Saturday 3 October 2020

Wait, You Need Training Not To Do This..?

A prison officer who had an affair with an inmate was spared an immediate jail sentence today after a judge ruled her 'lack of training' was partly to blame.


Rocha, of Norwich, was vulnerable at the time as she had only come out of an eight year abusive relationship in 2017.


She said she knew the relationship with a prisoner was wrong but claimed she had only been given one training session on the issue.

I was only given one training session on not sticking my fingers into a running office shredder, and I'm typing this with both hands! 

The judge added: 'It's the resources that are just not there. It's not your fault that you didn't have sufficient training.
'Once the resources are there, then this sort of offending will diminish. That is where the heart of the problem arises.'

No, judge, I think the heart of the problem lies in recruiting people manifestly unsuited to the job on identity politics grounds, and then allowing them to avoid any trace whatsoever of personal responsibility, aided and abetted by a judicial system that also manifestly unsuited to the task.

And there's nothing whatsoever that 'more resources' will do to fix this... 


  1. You type well enough, JuliaM. I hope sufficient digits survived the shredder to play a piano. More difficult to imagine is this horrendously butt-ugly prison officer in an intimate relationship persisting for eight years. Is that you, Jaded?

  2. These people have more faith in “training and resources” than a saint has in Christ.

  3. Nobody in this story seems to have the slightest acquaintance with reality.

  4. He maybe didn't fancy his cellmates any more . . .

  5. @Stonyground,
    Nobody except the con who had sex. Todays prison population spend their days how they can 'get one over' - including a leg-over - the screws. Cultivating a relationship is one of the basic tactics of the cons. After all, they have plenty of time. Every time they succeed, the prison system fails, though the status of the con increases within the prison population.
    The Victorians tried to promote the panoptic system of prisons. I think they should give it another go. If not willing to go that far, perhaps a military prison style system where inmates start off with no privileges whatsoever, and they have to be earned, and taken away for misbehaviour.
    The problem is too many of the senior officials in the prison and jstice system have degrees in sociology from 'Left Wing Shithole Universities'.

  6. It proves what many of us have known for a long time, that many women are gaging for sex with really bad men. It truly pisses off the rest of us males, I can tell you.

  7. A supplement to my earlier post. What pisses off blokes like me is not that we'd like to be in line to shag those slags who make a beeline for bad me, but the certain knowledge that our finances will be raped to support them and their offspring when things go wrong, as they inevitably do.

  8. @Anon: I have this theory that women are evolutionarily designed to be sexually attracted to the Dark Triad of personality traits - narcissism, psychopathy and Machiavellianism. If one thinks about our long and dark hominid past, who would a woman want by her side? A mild non confrontational straight as a die man, or a lying cheating violent b*stard man? Which would be most likely to have access to food and shelter for her and her offspring, given it was a Hobbsian world of kill or be killed? And what is the best way to make a man feel bonded to a woman? Sex of course. So women who shacked up with the 'nice' men died (as did their offspring) and those who chose the violent nutter men survived. Evolution at its finest.

    My theory also covers why societies came to be dominated by men, and why women were systematically suppressed from having hardly any say in their own path through life. Its not that men were just doing it out of spite, they had real world reasons for stopping women making free choices, particularly about sex, marriage and children. Namely that when women are free to make those choices their evolutionary makeup disproportionately favours the violent psychopaths in society with sex, to the detriment of the remaining 'normal' men. Thus creating massive problems for a society, where large numbers of men have no mate, and those that do cannot be sure if their children are theirs or not. IMO the Patriarchy came into being to control negative female evolutionary sexual attraction for entirely practical reasons - societies that didn't control it were destroyed by it.

  9. @ Sobers 10:25

    Can't argue with rational with a sly tongue in cheek.

    Anything less than 9+ wouldn't be a fair mark from JuliaM.

  10. No member of prison staff is regarded with more disgust than one that has a physical relationship with a prisoner. This has nothing to do with training she knew what she was doing was a total betrayal of her office. If you want every prison run as cheap as possible you can expect this kind of behaviour from cheap sub standard staff.

  11. "These people have more faith in “training and resources” than a saint has in Christ."

    I'm glad you didn't say 'modern vicar' because we all know they no longer have any!

    "Nobody in this story seems to have the slightest acquaintance with reality."

    Such a common feature I might rename my blog...

    "He maybe didn't fancy his cellmates any more . . ."


  12. "Every time they succeed, the prison system fails,"

    Maybe the recruitment services shouldn't make it so easy for them?

    " I have this theory that women are evolutionarily designed to be sexually attracted to the Dark Triad of personality traits - narcissism, psychopathy and Machiavellianism. "

    Surely by now, evolution has worked that all the way out of the population?

    "If you want every prison run as cheap as possible you can expect this kind of behaviour from cheap sub standard staff."

    I'm not entirely sure the driver here is simply financial...
