Monday 5 October 2020

Well, This Is A Mystery....

...just who is it that's persecuting 'refugees' in France

It's couldn't be that fox-batterer Jolyon is talking out of his nether regions again?


  1. Ms Patel's family did indeed flee genuine oppression. The Channel invaders on the other hand are just in search of generous benefits.

  2. According to the Daily Mash, Ms Patel is "obese from the neck down" and would like to deport her own parents.

  3. Idi Amin kicked Indians out of Uganda, and oddly enough, they got a better welcome in the UK than back in India. Odd that. Many of them took over the corner shops that were being vacated as various Polish Jews and similar who had escaped the Nazis tended to die off.

    I suspect that Jews and Christians in Muslim shitholes could count the same way, but I imagine that single males in those self-same shitholes probably left all by themselves.

  4. @Mark:

    The Daily Mash is yet another example of lefty/woke smug "look how clever I am" garbage which seems to think it's satirical. Much like the Beeb's stock of soi disant "comedians".

    Similarly, don't get me started on how Ian Hislop has emasculated Private Eye which is now little more than a smugfest for the Islington Set, and right-on woke snowflakes.

    A pox on them all and a plague on all their houses!

  5. "The Channel invaders on the other hand are just in search of generous benefits."

    And so far, are being handed them on a plate... 🤬

    "...but I imagine that single males in those self-same shitholes probably left all by themselves."

    Indeed so! And legally.

    "Similarly, don't get me started on how Ian Hislop has emasculated Private Eye which is now little more than a smugfest for the Islington Set, and right-on woke snowflakes."

    It still occasionally bares its teeth to good effect, but you're right, it's a feeble shadow of itself now...
