Monday 12 October 2020

Who Could Have Predicted This?

Oh, yeah. That's right. Everyone

Author and 'body positivity' blogger (Ed: they mean 'fat person', dear Reader) Stephanie Yeboah was hired as a contributing editor by the fashion and lifestyle weekly last month to 'fight for diversity, inclusion and women's rights'.

And how exactly did she decide to do this? 

But the 31-year-old activist has been axed over hateful remarks about the Holocaust including 'every Jew has an attic but not every attic has Jews', and a bizarre tweet which said: 'AUSCHWITZ Gas Chamber Music LMAO SMH (laughing my a*** off, shaking my head).'

Well, you could knock me down with a feather! Which is more than you could do with Ms Yeboah, it has to be said... 

She issued a grovelling apology after the offending Twitter posts were published by Private Eye magazine last Wednesday.
It is understood there were frantic discussions with Grazia UK editor Hattie Brett before the decision was finally made to sack her on Friday evening.

Oh, to have had a wiretap on those! 


  1. Obscenely fat negress hates Yids because - reasons.

    Is there a slight chance it's because of some religiousbelief?

  2. Unlike many people of that colour she hasn't stabbed anyone yet - perhaps?

    Seriously - only 36? Perhaps that's her IQ.

  3. Scratch a Leftist find a hate filled moron. Although some people are naturally large but still attractive I've had increasing doubts about the sense of this body positivity movement. It does look like some sort of cult and yet another cult that has come out of the Left.

  4. Obviously the appointment was made in the first place just to tick boxes as this person is totally without any inherent value, merit, or ability. Such wokeness is nothing more than intellectual masturbation because:-

    a) it gives a warm glow of satisfaction to the perpetrator;

    b) it is distasteful (at least) to most onlookers;

    c) it's of no conceivable* use to anyone else.

    *pun intentional.

  5. She’s big, she’s black
    She’s gone and got the sack
    Oh Yeboah, Oh Yeboah….

  6. "Is there a slight chance it's because of some religiousbelief?"

    I think her only place of worship is KFC...

    "...only 36? Perhaps that's her IQ."


    "It does look like some sort of cult and yet another cult that has come out of the Left."

    Do cults ever come from the right?

    "Obviously the appointment was made in the first place just to tick boxes..."


    "She’s big, she’s black
    She’s gone and got the sack"

