Saturday 7 November 2020

DCC Julie Cooke, Like Most Police These Days, Doesn't Understand The Law...

...not when there's Common Purpose virtuesignalling to be done! 

Surely she didn't really say that? But yes. Yes, she did.

Is ignorance of the law a prerequisite for a police officer these days? It must be. There can't be any other explanation, can there?


  1. This is probably a statement of fact. The Police have had no interest in protecting the ordinary people who pay for them for years. Got burgled, have a crime number, had your property vandalized, contact your insurance has been all we get for a long time. Our function is to pay for a service that's only objective to is to have an easy life and support the latest trendy cause. P*** of and don't bother me Pleb has been my experience for many years.

  2. I acknowledge that the following comment is somewhat presumptuous; posted in advance of the customary invitation from WC Jaded.

    I always welcome Ms Cook's opinions. There can be no better example of a public service getting what it deserves...and from a screaming cardinal plod of the incombustible variety. Ms Cook is to policing what lobotomy and electroshock treatment was to medicine; what dry rot is to timber housing and what thalidomide did for limb identity.

  3. There comes a rank in the Police service where several things happen to the participant.
    Firstly, they lose a sense of humour. Any jokes must be politically correct and not denigrate or poke fun at a particular situation. The old joke, "Take my wife, please?", for instance, would indicate to them, that the speaker is wishing to be disposed of his spouse, which is sexist and possibly domestic abuse.
    The second is that they, somehow, attain a middle initial. Someone who has been known as Jim Plod for years suddenly, on achieving a particular rank, turns into James M Plod or similar.
    The third is that they stop being Police officers and become politicians, more interested in statisitics, figures, targets to be achieved, and ensuring all aspects of the ECHR are fully covered. "We take this situation seriously, and lessons will be/have been learnt." "The protection of all members of society is our main priority." and so on.
    Recently, the Police arrested a group of people for not conforming to the anti-social distancing. I wonder how many travellers they arrested who also ignored these distancing rules while attending a funeral? If it had been you or me, we wouldn't have touched the floor. However, if you are a protected species, there is nothing to so see here. Please move on.
    I served as a front line Police officer for over 20 years and saw the writing on the wall then. While proud of being a Police officer, and the elvel of service I gave to the community, I was ever so glad to retire.
    I wonder if Jaded is counting the days?

  4. Are we sure DCC Cook is XX? Those eyebrows...

  5. Spot on Penseivat. Couldn't agree more.
    We had a conversation at work the other day which started because my Sergeant has to organise an exit interview for me with a senior officer. Four or five old sweats in the room tried to list some decent senior officers we had served under during our careers (they aren't all bad). We struggled between us to get to double figures. The sad thing is that all these ladder climbing buffoons were all PC's once and they soon forget that fact.
    Seven shifts to go. If you watch any American cop show the grisly old detective wants to solve one more case on his last day that has remained unsolved for years. He then gets shot. I'm trying to avoid that fate whilst I chase the Huddersfield lawnmower thief before I go):

  6. I recall being taught (50+ years ago) that the function of the police officer was defined quite simply as

    The protection of life and property.
    The maintenance if order.
    The prevention and detection of property.
    The prosecution of offenders against the peace.

    Issuing politically correct claptrap never came into it. This woman should be pensioned off, she is just a waste of space.

  7. Jaded,
    I hope those seven shifts go well. From memory, they seem to go very, very, slow.
    One thing I did discover is that, as most of the current retirees were probably proper Police officers and not "climb the ladder as quickly as I can and it doesn't matter who gets in the way" types, you may find the Police family doesn't end with you handing in your uniform and pocket books (don't forget the CS spray, as I did and had to be called back :-)). There will always be old comrades inviting you to the odd breakfast or lunch somewhere, where you can all agree how your force has gone to pot once they let you go.
    Take care.

  8. Episodes of nauseating emotional promiscuity between our resident plods, pouring 'there' hearts out to each other at the prospect of retirement, are about as sincere as every plod-pledge they ever made to deal with thefts reported by members of the public.

    Maudlin weasels...your overpaid 'services' only made a difference to yourselves.

  9. They're they're Melvin. I'm sure when you retire you will look back on a long and fruitful career. What is it you do again? sniping and sneering an actual paid job ?

  10. Give it a rest MTG1. No matter what you may feel about the police, and you have certainly made that obvious over the years, these two, at least, have done their bit and survived the worst that the dregs of society, and biased bloggers can throw at them. Let them be and allow them to enjoy their retirement.

  11. "The Police have had no interest in protecting the ordinary people who pay for them for years. "

    They used to hide it better. They used to feel they had to. That they now no longer feel that isn't a good thing.

    "The second is that they, somehow, attain a middle initial."

    Heh! Well spotted.

    "We struggled between us to get to double figures."

    That doesn't bode well, now, does it?

    "Seven shifts to go. "

    Really? Well, congratulations on your impending escape. If it hasn't already happened by now.

  12. "This woman should be pensioned off, she is just a waste of space."

    She'll look a lot better when the Met's 40% ethnic minority offers start coming to the attention of Professional standards, I don't doubt!

    "...these two, at least, have done their bit and survived the worst that the dregs of society, and biased bloggers can throw at them."

    Indeed. Well earned retirement. I wonder how many of the newer officers will be able to look back and honestly say that, when their time comes?
