Saturday 28 November 2020

Reading Between The Lines...'s what you have to do these days.
This is the moment a man brandishing a golf club allegedly chased schoolchildren along a London street in a frenzied attack that left a 13-year-old boy with a fractured skull.

Gosh! Why would someone do this? Are there any lurking clues?

A resident who lives close to Dunraven School described seeing blood on the ground and a schoolboy lying unconscious following the assault. They said: ‘There’s always a bit of commotion when the kids come out so when I heard shouting and screaming I didn’t pay any attention.


Today, the schoolboy victim was described as popular and ‘cheeky’ by parents with children in the same year as him. One said: ‘He’s a well-known kid who has a lot of friends.
‘Like any 13-year-old he can be a bit mouthy but he’s not a troublemaker and is very likeable.’

Oh oh!  

Another added: ‘It’s very shocking because he’s a lovely boy. He’s a character, bit of a cheekie chappie who’s always smiling and joking around.’

Ooh, bingo! 

The mother claimed that the attacker was well known in the area.
She said: ‘The man is known to the school children.
‘He lives two doors away from the school. Some of the children make fun of him and call him names. It’s not right what he did but he is not all there.’

We've already got one trial ongoing of a 'care in the community' case that resulted in disaster, but at least there, the injured party was totally innocent and did nothing to bring about the attack. I'm not getting the same vibe here, are you, Reader? 


  1. No I am not getting the vibe that the boy was blameless. Having seen and heard the youngsters coming out of schools it's only a matter of time until someone with a shorter fuse than most responds like this to the abusive smart mouths we have with us today. Even youngsters need to remember you can't say what you like to anyone when you feel like to without provoking a nasty response sometimes. The "you can't touch me mate I got rights" culture only provides so much protection after all.

  2. Some children can be utter barbarians. 'Cheeky' is a euphemism for a pain in the arse kid!

  3. Not quite an accident and a poor result in waiting. I have no wish to convey the impression of any approval for this type of pointless violence...or suggest that it was much of a result if the gonads were unimpaired and the little angel can still breed.

  4. Whilst I can't say I'm generally in favour of battering youngsters, I can't help thinking of the old advice; "Don't poke the bear".

  5. The description of this little 'Angel' could have been written by anyone who knows my grandson. His parents have been warned many times, but think that the sunshine shins out of his lower orifice. He is now 13 years and the 'crunch' will surely come soon.

  6. Having worked in schools for twenty years I can visualise the buildup to this. Given the lack of parental control so many suffer, backed up by teachers' total lack of available sanctions it is inevitable.

    One herbert clammed up when I said, calmly and quietly, " I'd like to see you in a well paid job when you leave: try the building trade. On your first morning on site, don't forget to take your attitude with you."

  7. The kid can't be melanin enriched or we'd never have heard the end of it.

    I don't think that it's a question of reading between the lines, I think there must be a whole chunk of detail we aren't being told.

  8. Well said, MTG 1.
    I sincerely believe that the 'cheeky chappie' had done his 'mouthy' bit a bit too often and has reaped the just rewards.

  9. A fine example of Newton's third law, "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction."

  10. "Having seen and heard the youngsters coming out of schools it's only a matter of time until someone with a shorter fuse than most responds like this to the abusive smart mouths we have with us today."

    I cannot imagine how I'd have been dealt with would I dare to speak to anyone the way kids these days do as a matter of course...

    " 'Cheeky' is a euphemism for a pain in the arse kid!"

    I'm getting used to seeing it a lot in obituaries!

    "...or suggest that it was much of a result if the gonads were unimpaired and the little angel can still breed."


    "He is now 13 years and the 'crunch' will surely come soon."

    Almost a late bloomer these days!

    "One herbert clammed up when I said, calmly and quietly, " I'd like to see you in a well paid job when you leave: try the building trade. On your first morning on site, don't forget to take your attitude with you.""


    "The kid can't be melanin enriched or we'd never have heard the end of it."

    Looking at the photos, I'd be surprised if he isn't. Maybe so is the assailant?

    "A fine example of Newton's third law..."

