Monday 9 November 2020

The Most Sickening Thing Of All... that they see fit to boast about it:

In a Facebook post, officers from GMP's Golborne and Lowton team said: 'As a follow on from yesterdays post reminding you we are currently in Lockdown 2.0 as they say and under Government restrictions, a fixed penalty was issued to a male last night who decided he was going to see his mate and have a brew with him and to make matters worse he tried to lie about why he was there.
'You cannot go to another persons address unless for certain exemptions i.e. child care, support bubble etc. full details are available on line.'

Imagine wanting to join the police to protect society from criminality, finding out instead that you were expected to fine people for socialising against current government regulations, and then shrugging and obeying orders, rather than leaving and finding a proper job. 

One you could do with your head held high and your integrity and self-respect intact. 


  1. I think you are living in the past. No longer does anyone join Plod to protect society. They join Plod now to enable allow them to bully and terrorise people. If they were to protect society this guy would have just sent him back with a warning that if he seen him again he would nick him.

    The love the power and you can see it in every tweet and SJW social media post.

    The older ones and those that did join to protect society are just keeping their heads down and keping quiet to keep their jobs.

    Plod, the NHS, Civil Service, Politicians and the other snowflakes costing us taxes all need a good purging.

  2. Nope, the most sickening thing is that all this is happening at the same time as the Manchester Arena inquiry is proving that the bomber and his scumbag family could have stood in Piccadilly Gardens handing out leaflets entitled 'Why I Plan to Slaughter The Infidel Whores' and these wannabe tough guys still wouldn't have done anything.

  3. No doubt grassed up by a malicious neighbour. Otherwise how would the police have known?

  4. What Lord T said, in spades.

  5. Reading the comments below the linked article shows that about a third of the commenters think that the police did the right thing as these guys are evil disease spreading demons. Quite depressing really.

  6. Despised plod are on the slippery slope and even the family dog knows its first duty is to bite the bastards.

  7. "I think you are living in the past. "

    I think I prefer it there.

    "...the bomber and his scumbag family could have stood in Piccadilly Gardens handing out leaflets entitled 'Why I Plan to Slaughter The Infidel Whores' and these wannabe tough guys still wouldn't have done anything."

    So very true... 😑

    "No doubt grassed up by a malicious neighbour."

    This pandemic has given free rein to a lot of the darker side of humanity.

    "...about a third of the commenters think that the police did the right thing as these guys are evil disease spreading demons"

    I'm beginning to think we're outnumbered.
