Tuesday 24 November 2020

'Their Best Efforts' Should Have Been Better...

Insp Paul Shortt, from Nottinghamshire Police, said: "This was a horrible incident and has sadly resulted in one dog's death.
"Force dog handlers joined officers swiftly on scene. Despite their best efforts and a number of different tactics to stop the attacks, they couldn't save the dog's life.
"Officers did successfully control and contain the animals with no further injury."

This wasn't a job for dog handlers in the first place. It was a job for armed officers.  

The two dogs have been seized and their owners have been interviewed by police.

And now an expensive trial and a long wait in kennels when two bullets would have resolved things then and there.  


  1. I trust the suggested two bullets would have been for the dogs owners? It would certainly concentrate the minds of every other f2f went.

  2. "every other dog owner." Bloody auto correct.

  3. "I trust the suggested two bullets would have been for the dogs owners?"

    We can but hope!
