Thursday 5 November 2020

Wait, We Built It And They Didn't Come...?"

“Would-be cyclists” are being urged to use new pop-up bike lanes if they do not want to see them removed.

Well, why put them up in the first place? 

In recent months government-funded cycleways have been setup in Chichester, Crawley, East Grinstead, Horsham, Shoreham and Worthing. The lanes, intended to encourage people to opt for more active modes of transport, have delighted cyclists.
But motorists have argued that they are the cause of congestion in some areas, taking a lane of the road which was originally allocated to traffic.

Good old government, spending taxpayer money on things they believe the taxpayer should want again... 

West Sussex County Council says there are to be no more pop-up cycle lanes, and encouraged “would-be cyclists” to try them out for themselves.
A spokesman for the authority said: “An important part of assessing the cycleways will be to monitor usage: these are trial schemes, so if people want them to stay, please use them.”

People, you know what to do! And demand a refund. 


  1. At least if they are temporary they can be taken down when nobody uses them. As a cyclist and motorist I can hate this kind of thing from both sides. I can endure the increased congestion in my car, and then get on my bike and get hated without even having to do anything bad.

  2. "At least if they are temporary they can be taken down when nobody uses them. "

    There is that, yes. It's small comfort though.
