Friday 6 November 2020

What's 'Pussy Pass' In Polish?

A woman who crashed her car on a notorious stretch of road gave a roadside breathalyser reading more than three times the legal limit.
Blackburn magistrates heard Inese Glinska rolled her car several times after crashing into a field at the section of Clitheroe Road in Nelson known as the S Bends. She was taken to hospital where she assaulted two police officers despite being handcuffed behind her back.
Glinska, 52, of Cross Street, Brierfield, pleaded guilty to driving with excess alcohol and two charges of assaulting an emergency worker.

Reader, you know what's coming, don't you? 

She was sentenced to 12 weeks in prison suspended for 12 months, fined £150 and ordered to pay £120 compensation to each of the police officers. She was banned from driving for 16 months.


Sardar Asghar, defending, said his client had been in the UK for nine years, had never been in trouble and had always worked.

He doesn't say what her job is, I note. Surely it's one we can do without? 


  1. Why can't they just stay in their own countries?

  2. MacD, would you stay in your own country when you could come here and do anything you wanted to with impunity? If your a foreigner your the nearest thing to a sacred cow the UK has and all its people will support and worship you or take the consequences. Take the knee now or things will be bad for you Pleb!

  3. "Kiciuś Przechodzić"

    Well, now I know!

    "Why can't they just stay in their own countries?"

    Well, we are told they come here to do the jobs lazy white, black and brown Brits won't do. Although I don't think 'keeping the creaking justice system drones in work' was what was meant...

    "Take the knee now or things will be bad for you Pleb!"

    It does seem like that at times, doesn't it?
