Wednesday 9 December 2020

Another Likely Story!

A death row dog ordered to be put down by the courts after attacking two people and a pet has gone missing on the day his owner was told to give him up.

Well, I never! What an astonishing thing to happen! 

Jasper the pharaoh hound savaged a small Scottie dog, its owner and a good samaritan who tried to help on a walk in Aberdeenshire. Owner Susan Allan was given a week on November 13 at Aberdeen Sheriff Court to hand him over so he could be destroyed.

Now, I've often bemoaned the expense of keeping these things at taxpayer expense until the inevitable visit to the vet, but if the alternative is 'Oh, dear, he ran away, so sorry m'lud...' then hang the bloody expense! 

But seven days later on November 20, Allan reported Jasper missing, posting on a lost and found Facebook group he vanished in woods near Mintlaw. The Press & Journal reported how she described him as “friendly but quite nervous”.

Bit economical with the truth there, eh? 

In the comments section of the post, some dog walkers voiced concern about Jasper being in the woods by himself – particularly since he was dangerous.

I wouldn't worry too much about it. Jasper's as likely to be 'missing in the woods' as McGrath's dog was 'buried at a dump'


  1. Oh, for goodness sake, these stories abound again and again. Once Brexit is complete PLEASE bring in Clarkson's Law.

  2. I've had a couple pharaoh hounds, lovely dogs, sweet-natured as a rule. Very fast, and tending to wander off fast and far. One escaped the yard. 2 hours later the dog had been found 30 miles away

  3. Expense what expense? Surly the owner is responsible for any expenses caused by his or her dog? Every year I fork out for a £2 millions insurance policy in case my little collie causes a problem. Might be time to insist all dogs are insured like all cars are supposed to be.

  4. "Once Brexit is complete PLEASE bring in Clarkson's Law."

    I'd vote for that!

    "I've had a couple pharaoh hounds, lovely dogs, sweet-natured as a rule. "

    But hunting dogs in the past, and like all sighthounds, they retain that instinct.

    "Surly the owner is responsible for any expenses caused by his or her dog?"

    You'd think so, wouldn't you?
