Thursday 24 December 2020

"Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night!"

Normal service will resume on Boxing Day! Not that it could be bettered this year, mind you...


  1. Happy Christmas Julia. Thank you for all the good cheer you bring by highlighting the absurdities everywhere from government, to the judiciary and our police, to the low standards of journalism. I look forward to popping in here every day and I'm eager to see your take on the new year.

  2. Seasonal greetings, Julia. Please continue to skewer the incompetent, the Wokerati, and the hypocritical throughout 2021 and beyond.

  3. I do question the statement that 'normal service will be resumed' - maybe it won't if BoJo and co have any say in the matter. How did the country get so many ignorant clowns running things?

    Despite that, have a nice Christmas.

  4. Happy Christmas!

  5. Cheers all! I hope you all made the best of it.
