Tuesday 15 December 2020

"On the first part of the journey, I was looking at all the life..."

A spokesperson said: “We reiterate the apology that was issued after the horse ran. Racist language is not tolerated in our sport, whether intentional or accidental. We are opposed to racism and prejudice in all its forms and are committed to making British racing an open, diverse and inclusive industry that is welcoming to all.
“We are deeply concerned as to how this happened and are reviewing the processes for approving the names of racehorses,” the spokesperson concluded.
There was no word as to whether disciplinary action would be taken against whoever submitted the name.

The name of the horse? Jungle Bunny. A racial epithet from the Sixties and Seventies that's probably been forgotten by everyone in the Twenties.

So...how did this happen?

Emma Evans, the wife of the horse’s owner-trainer David Evans, said the naming had been an innocent mistake deriving from the name of the filly’s sire, Bungle Inthejungle.
“David’s daughter gave us the horse and there’s a computer game called Jungle Bunny Run, which her son loves playing,” Evans said. “I just thought, that’ll do. I had no idea. It was completely innocent and that is the gospel truth.
None of the staff said anything, nobody else said anything and I’m totally flabbergasted,” she added. “I’m upset because we’ve had our Sunday ruined by everybody ringing about it. It makes you look like a racist, which I am certainly not.”

You probably aren't. But that doesn't matter any more. Does it? 

It's no longer about the perceived 'evildoing' of the perpetrator, but more about the egregious virtuesignalling and chestbeating 'anti racism' of those condeming them. These people are eagerly throwing meat to the crocodile in the hope they won't be eaten.


  1. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=stem.jungle.bunny.run&hl=en_US&gl=US

    I'm really getting tired of the professionally outraged. Where were they some 25-30 years ago when racehorses were named "Mary Hinge" and "Betty Swollocks"?

  2. A spokesperson said, "..."

    Is that just a pdf you can download off the internet now and insert your own business name? It seems to get repeated whenever some muppet screams racism

  3. I believe that the names of racehorses have to be vetted to make sure that they are not offensive before the nag in question is officially named. The odd mischievous one gets through the net, there is a gelding called Noble Locks.

  4. New speak, the quicker the plebs get used to it the better.

  5. It would appear that nobody under sixty would have known the name was racist if these idiots hadn't drawn attention to it. Sadly, the name of the horse has been changed. How refreshing it would have been had the owners explained where the name had come from and then told the whiners to get lost.

  6. "I'm really getting tired of the professionally outraged."

    They wouldn't be as much of an issue if only they didn't keep getting their way...

    "Is that just a pdf you can download off the internet now..."

    All PR wonks get a copy with their useless diploma.

    "The odd mischievous one gets through the net, there is a gelding called Noble Locks."


    "It would appear that nobody under sixty would have known the name was racist if these idiots hadn't drawn attention to it."

    I must admit, it wouldn't have occurred to me.
